Welcome to Hawaii

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Maya Salvador,

Lilly and I got out of the taxi and zoomed right into the hotel. I checked us in and we headed to our room. We both plopped on our beds because we were exhausted.

"Maya?" Lilly called.

"Lilly?" I called back.

Lilly sits up on her bed and watches me and I do the same.

"What happens if this whole thing doesn't work out?"

"Oh Lilly. Stop thinking negative. We will have our fun in Hawaii, go meet Mindless behavior, and be the teenagers that we are." I said trying to convince Lilly.

"Your right! Let's do this!" Lilly said.

For the rest of the night Lilly and I jumped on the bed, watched pretty little liars and ate until we fell asleep.

Next morning.

Maya Salvador,

I stretched my arms and yawned. New day in Hawaii. I got out of bed and saw that Lilly was still sleeping. This girl be sleeping till 12 PM. Omg! The Mindless behavior concert is tomorrow. Lilly and I have to go shopping.I went and took a shower, got dressed and started to cook breakfast.

"Morning." Lilly said while walking towards the island.

"Goodmorning Lilly." I sad with excitement in my voice.

"Well someone's happy." Lilly said.

"Well duh! I mean the Mindless Behavior concert is tomorrow! I'm going to meet Chresanto." I said day dreaming about him.

"MAYA!" Lilly shouted snapping me out of my trance. "What are you trying to do burn the food." She said and I laughed.

"Who are they anyway?" Lilly asked and I gasped.

"You don't know who Mindless Behavior is!? Do you live under a rock?" I asked startled that she doesn't know who Mindless Behavior is.

"If you live with that Step-monster of mine called Judy. Then Yes." Lilly answered as if it was obvious.

"Mindless Behavior is this famous boy band that has four members. Ray Ray, Prodigy, Princeton and my man, Roc Royal." I said.

"Okay then......" Lilly said eating her breakfast.

"Just hurry up and eat. We have to go shopping." I said and she nodded. Just then the phone rang.

"Hello?" I said answering it.

"Maya, it's me your mom. Is everything okay over there?" My mom asked.

"Oh. Hey mom. Yeah everything is perfect. Lilly and I are about to go get some outfits for the concert tomorrow." I said.

"Okay but be careful." My mom said.

"Okay mom. But we're about to leave so I'll call you when we come back." I said.

"Okay bye honey." My mom said.

"Bye mom love you." I said then hanged up.

I ran back into the kitchen, are my food and then waited for Lilly to finish changing.

"Ready?" Lilly asked.

"Yep. Let's go." I said and was ready to walk out when Lilly pulled me back.

"What?" I asked her.

"We need a disguise, so that they won't know it's us, if we see them. So put this on." She told me handing me sunglasses and a hoody.

"Alright we're ready now." Lilly said and we walked out.

When we arrived at the mall, unpaid the taxi and we walked in.

"Wow! This mall is big." I said.

"I know right. But where do we start?" Lilly asked.

"Forever 21 duh." I said like its the obvious.

"Whatever. Let's just go." Lilly said walking ahead of me laughing.

We both shopped in all the stores we can and then we got tired.

"I'm hungry. Let's go eat." Lilly said walking towards the food court.

"Fat ass." I mumble. I picked up my bags and tired to catch up with Lilly but this girl could walk when she hungry.

"Lilly can you hold up." I shouted for her to here me.

"But I'm hungry." She whined.

"Well if you help me we could get there faster."I said and she came and helped me.

"Thank you." I said smirking at her and she laughed.

When we got up to the food court, we placed our bags on the table and went to order.

"Where you buying from?" Lilly asked.

"Popeyes." I answered. "You?"

"Pizza." Lilly answered and we went our separated ways.

I got in line and stood behind a boy with blondish curls. Whence finished ordering he stepped aside waiting for his order. I walked forward and ordered for me.

"That would be $26.67 miss." The lady told me. I searched through my puse but could only find $25.67. I looked for Lilly but couldn't spot her.

"Um. Is there a problem?" The lady asked me again.

"Uh. I'm kinda short on $1. Can I please go get one more dollar from my friend?" I asked politely.

"Sorry but I have other customers. So you would have to leave it." The lady said getting an attitude.

"Fine the--" I was cut off.

"I'll pay. Don't worry." The boy handed the dollar to the woman and she handed me my food.

"Thanks for you service." I said sarcastically.

I turned to the boy and was about to tell him thank you but I just couldn't. Omg! It's him!!!

"Uh! Hi I'm Chresa--" he started.

"No need to introduce I know who you are already. Your Roc Royal from Mindless Behavior. " I said trying to stay calm.

"Well okay. But what's your name gorgeous." Chres said winking at me. Omg!

"Um... It's Maya Salvador." I said smiling while shaking his hand.

"Well nice to meet you. My boys and I are eating over at that table wanna come?" Chres asked but I had to deny.

"Sorry but I have to go meet my friend. But thanks for asking. Bye." I said starting to walk off but soon to be called back again.

"Wait! Can I have your number?" He asked and I blushed but accepted. We both exchanged numbers and left.

I met Roc Royal from Mindless Behavior AND I have his number.


Long ass chapter. But hope y'all enjoy! -Rosie🔴

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