smooch smooch lesbeans🍎🌳🍎🌈⚡🌈

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They lie under the stars, giggling about their future. "Are we going to........ kiss?" She whimpered. "U-u-uh" she looked into her sparkling eyes, biting her bottom lips.

Their lips crashed together, intensely their tongues began to conjoin and twist and pull on eachother. It's like they were playing tug-a-war.

The pash was getting intense and then rainbow gai boi pulled away. "WHAT IS IT?!?!?!", said apple shat.

"I-i just love you baby, A.J."

Apple jack took off her shirt, revealing her boobs, and more..😪🥵🌈🍎

'Oh my...' Rainbow thought.
She licked her blue lips slowely looking at them thouraughy.

Suddenly she found herself stripping taking off her clothes, revealing her rainbow themed panties and bra.

Apple dick head bloshed😝. 'Wtf mommy, sorry...mommy, sorry' she thought.🤫🥲

They started to make out again, getting more and more intense. Studdenly rainbow felt her panties getting ripped off. Her wet kitty🤡🐱😙😙 felt the cool breeze ..

And then, BOOM.


Rainbow let out a moan, luckely big mac had gone inside for the night, otherwise he would hear the show that was about to start.

Slowely but surely they were nakey😚🤪😒😒😒🙄🙄 and banging on the sweet apple acupunsure farm forrest floor. "UWU" they both squiel!!

Rainbowjack lesbeans for life 😈😜😤💔Where stories live. Discover now