The morning after🍼💊

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It was the morning after apple jack had shagged rainbow fuck. They felt closer than ever as lesbeans, but rainbow dushebag had felt weird...🥰🤭😏😏

They werent officially a couple🤗🥲 and since thinking about what they had done and apple nice rack thought it would had been more fun with someone else.😚😚 And by that she meant that it would have been a more bumby rollocoster in a trouple...🤲🙏👅

So they agreed when she bought it up and went on a misson to kidnapp spike, twilights companion, the dragon.🤧🥵🐉🐲

"We need to be slealthy suger cube", apple snack growled.

"Lucky im the quietest and most sexy pony in all of aqestria!!" She screamed.

"Of course baby".

Rainbowjack lesbeans for life 😈😜😤💔Where stories live. Discover now