Ending 1: Foretuces

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Everyone cowered in fear at the returning darkness, they had all seen various things happen the past few days but this time seemed different. Gramps looked around, and found the stone he had been given. He decided that if he was going to die, he would go down fighting. He absorbed the stone, and he evolved into Mega Gyarados. In his newfound state, he was overjoyed. Everything he had ever wanted, and now he had it. Gramps had no need for anything else, he could truly die happy. A dark figure appeared before Gramps, reaching out as Bismead floated towards it. Bismead took the reaper cloth she got from Christmas, and the dusk stone she had received from Gramps, using imprison to fuse them into the Odd Keystone. The dark figure took the keystone, and regained his true form. Cruciatous, the Spiritomb.

"Good evening, Lady and gentlemen. It has been oh so long since I last ruined the soil of the earth. Oh it feels so good to be able to speak once more. Ferroriculum, you've done such a wonderful job of completing the Odd Keystone but unfortunately I have no use for you anymore"

In a flash of darkness Bismead fell to the ground, unconscious. Laz and Christmas rushed over to Bismead, and stood between her and Cruciatous.

"You won't touch her, not while I'm around" Christmas yelled out, his voice filled with passion.

"I don't know what you did, but this is my turf, and you aren't leaving alive." Laz threatened.

Cruciatous smirked, and looked back towards Gramps.

"Foretuces, it's time to pay up your part of the deal. Dispose of your friends here, I have some plotting to do." He said floating away.

Laz picked up his stone shell and threw it at the escaping Cruciatous, but it was caught by Gramps, who had leapt out of the water to catch it. Upon landing, Gramps had crunched the shell into pieces using his powerful jaw.

"I have never had this much power before. With the sacrifice of three people, I can finally have enough power to commence world peace once and for all." Gramps looked down at his friends. "He has shown me my true strength, I am the one called Foretuces. Ancient destructor of the sea. He had given birth to me, as the sole destructor of the world. However, I have my own plans and with this power nobody will ever be able to stop me!"

Foretuces bites onto his tail, and spins in circles in the water. While he was summoning the dragon dance, Laz and Christmas tried to come up with a plan.

"Laz.... What do we do? I'm not prepared for this! I only brought Bismead, and I only know a couple of ice type moves... Nothing to fight this beast"

"There's only one thing we can do. He destroyed our access to weapons and items. As of now, we can only appeal to who he was before he held that stone. With my new solar blade, I might be able to do some considerable damage to him. When he becomes tired enough to rest in the water, you freeze it with blizzard. Once he's unable to move, we'll appeal to him using the power of friendship." Laz was confident that Gramps could still be reached.

The two split up going on either side of Foretuces, Christmas carrying Bismead in his sack, as he finished his dragon dance. Foretuces was pulsating with power and went for Laz first. He charged full force at Laz, and with how fast he was Laz had no time to dodge. Laz was heavily damaged from the waterfall attack, but got up and started charging his solar blade. Foretuces saw this, and started another dance. Seconds later it started to rain, making solar blade essentially useless.

Laz looked up at Foretuces. Unsure of what to do he scuttled up to the big fish and gave it a hug. Foretuces crunched down on him with his strong jaw, and threw him off the side of the mountain.

"LAZ!" Christmas shouted, running and taking off into the air. He flew to the other side of the mountain where Laz had been thrown off, and caught him before he hit the ground. Christmas flew back and lay Laz on the mountaintop.

"Christmas..." Laz was badly bleeding where he was bitten, usually his shell would take the hit so his body was soft and fleshy. "Christmas... Please keep Bi-" Laz started coughing up blood. "R-Run.." Laz fell to the ground, he was dead.

Christmas stared at the body temporarily forgetting the situation he was in. In just one day, he lost his entire family, his home, and now the ones who would take him in and treat him as their own were going to die. Worst of all, his first crush was unconscious with a dragon fish in between them. Christmas got up, wiping a tear from his cheek. He stood there, waiting for Foretuces to make his next move.

Foretuces landed himself on the mountaintop, raising his tail. He slammed it down repeatedly onto the mountain, causing a massive earthquake. It had little effect on Christmas as he ran towards Foretuces, and clapped directly in front of his face. Foretuces was stunned, if but temporarily. Christmas ran to Bismead, and took her in his sack. He then started to fly off, but was taken into the jaw of Foretuces. Desperate, Christmas summoned a blizzard, and shot it down the throat of the mega gyarados. Foretuces roared in anger and fell into the pond, completely frozen. Christmas managed to escape it's jaws as it was falling, and landed safely back on the mountaintop.

Christmas took a look at the frozen mega gyarados and decided to seal it in the pond. He used ice beam to freeze the pond, one corner at a time. Bismead woke up at this point, and saw Christmas trapping a large fish in the pond.

"Christmas!? What is going on? Where's Laz and Gramps?" Bismead shouted at him in confusion

Christmas stopped to look at Bismead, and breathed a sigh of relief in knowing she was okay. Christmas then finished using ice beam to completely freeze the pond. He walked over to Bismead, and explained how Gramps had become a big fish known as Foretuces, and was now attacking everyone. He hadn't mentioned Laz, or what she had done.

"Oh.. so do we just leave him here?" Bismead said disappointingly

"We have no other option, we can't defeat him and.. He finally got what he wanted, he'd be happier if we left him to die." Christmas said, embracing her in a hug.

The two turned away to walk down the mountain, when the sound of ice shattering makes them immediately start running.

"BISMEAD QUICK, GET IN THE BAG!" Christmas yells, trying to escape with Bismead.

She doesn't reply. She stopped in her tracks, and turned around to face foretuces. She focuses her psychic energy and as he goes in to crunch her in half, she uses imprison. Time seems to stop. Christmas is living in this moment, the moment where she would save the world, or the moment where he would lose the last of what mattered to him most. He wasted no time, jumping high in the air and using body slam to shut Foretuces mouth before it could hit Bismead.

The imprison takes effect, but not on the dark type fish. In saving her life for a few moments, he had given his life. He was now imprisoned in the Alter Realm, a place of no escape. As Bismead saw what Christmas had done her eyes widened, and her heart broke. Foretuces was about to snap Bismead in two when it suddenly fell asleep. Cruciatous was back, and approached Bismead.

"Dear child, you know you could not have stopped this if you tried? Everyone has a destiny, and those who refuse their destiny shall cease to exist. Our friend here was destined to become the most powerful in existence. He was also destined to kill his friend there. You. You were destined to be by my side, it's why I brought you here. This is all my bidding, and those who refuse..." Another flash of darkness appeared, and the mega gyarados had a hole punched through him. "Shall end up without a role in the story. Now dear, what say you?"

Bismead had no words. She couldn't speak after watching Christmas' final act of self sacrifice be for nothing as she herself imprisoned him to rot away in an alternate dimension. She fell to the ground, as all her friends did. She had lost the spark that kept her going, she had no real purpose in life anymore. "Why... Why did you teach me this" She angrily cried out, wanting to go back to yesterday so badly. "Why couldn't I tell him I loved him.. Is this what regret truly feels like?" She sobbed for what seemed like hours. Cruciatous stood there, feeding off the negative energy she gave out growing stronger with every tear she shed. Eventually she gave up, she just laid on the mountaintop, and didn't say anything. Cruciatous, unable to gain anything further from the broken bronzor, left to wreak havoc on the rest of the world. Bismead didn't leave the spot until she died. She never spoke to anyone else, and never discovered who her true family was.

The End.

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