Ending 3: Ferroriculum

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The whole crew looked around them, seeing nothing but darkness. Bismead steeled herself and took out the reaper cloth, and a dusk stone. Everyone now had their eyes on her, as she imprisoned the cloth deep within the stone. The Odd Keystone had been created, and began to glow

"Bismead..." Christmas looked at her, and dreading losing her, he jumped at her. He hit an invisible barrier, as bismead had protected herself.

"Laz! Get her away from it!" He shouted to Laz, who looked confused about the whole ordeal. Then Bismead spoke out.

"Christmas. This is who I was made to be, he gave me these powers so that I could bring him back. Christmas, I want you to meet my father. Cruciatous."

A dark figure floated towards the stone and in a burst of darkness, Cruciatous appeared. He looked around at the crowd of pokemon, and decided to break the silence.

"Thank you daughter, I can finally enact my vengeance against all those who've wronged you. Now, peer into the crack of the stone and become one with your true family."

Cruciatous used his telekinesis to freeze everyone except Bismead in place. Bismead looked around at her friends, but her true family was more important. She lowered her shield, and walked towards the stone.


Christmas shouted at the top of his lungs, overpowering Cruciatous' telekinetic power and dashed forwards, reaching out to Bismead. Bismead turned around and with a tear falling down her face, she went to Christmas. They embraced each other for what felt like an eternity.

"All I want is to be with you.. We didn't have enough time together.." Christmas started crying "Bismead, please don't go..." Bismead had fallen asleep in his arms, feeling safe within his grasp.

Christmas held onto her tightly, and looked towards the other two. Laz knew what to do as he too was able to overpower Cruciatous' poor psychic ability. Laz had ran over to Christmas, and shielded everyone with his shell. Gramps knew it was his time, with a final breath he absorbed all of the water in the pond. With every last inch of his strength he let out a massive hydro pump, the force alone spinning Gramps in every which way blasting a stream of deadly water in every direction. Cruciatous let out a horrible cry of pain, as he was struck several times by the raging blast. Laz was also struck, and his shell had taken on some massive erosion due to the water. By the time Gramps had finished, he was done. He fell back into the empty pond unable to move. Laz led Christmas out of his shell and they all gathered around Gramps, who was clearly dying from the amount of power that passed through him.

"Hey Gramps.. I.. I'm gonna miss you.. We sure had a wild ride..." Laz started choking on his tears. "W-We are all ver... Very proud of... y-"

As Laz was speaking, Gramps' body began to float to the heavens. The two of them looked up in awe, and watched as he was flung off the mountain and out of sight. They turned around to see Cruciatous, who's stone had been cracked even more. He looked at Laz and raised his shell into the air, and with one fell swoop made it come crashing down on top of Laz, killing him instantly. Bismead was asleep, still being held by Christmas. Cruciatous stared daggers at him.

"Give me... The girl.." He said menacingly.

"Cruciatous... Why do you need her? What is the point of all this? You said you wanted revenge, but revenge for what? What did we ever do to deserve this? I won't give her up that easily... You'll have to go through me first."

In a dark flash, Cruciatous instantaneously appeared in front of Christmas. Christmas looked him dead in the eye, and had no intentions of fighting. Cruciatous couldn't land a sucker punch if the opponent had no will to fight. The two stared at each other, both unable to move as it would mean the loss of what they desired most. Then Christmas made a move. He gave Cruciatous a present.

"If you look for revenge your entire life, you will never grow. You need to accept an apology and this is it. I am sorry, whatever was done to you in the past, I'm sure you didn't deserve it. But this isn't my fight, and it's not her fight either. Take this gift, and leave us."

Christmas was entirely serious, watching the spiritomb struggle to comprehend this innate act of kindness. He sent the present to the Alter Realm using imprison, a Realm that existed outside of space and time. Then he looked the Delibird over, and decided to offer him a deal.

"Foolish bird. I offer you a deal. You and Bismead can spend an eternity together. You will be able to live your pathetic lives to completion. However... You give her to me. Only with her extra psychic energy will I be able to make it happen. Once I obtain her and fulfill my revenge, I shall use the remainder of my power to give you the life you want. But it all starts with you... Handing her over to me..."

Christmas was still on guard, unable to shake the feeling that he shouldn't give her up. Yet something told him it would be okay. He hugged Bismead tight, and then let go. Cruciatous floated towards her, and woke her up with nightmares.

"Bismead, I can make your dream come true. Stare into my stone and I shall grant you a lifetime with Christmas."

Bismead shook her head a bit, still confused about what was happening. Last she remembered she felt warm and safe, different from when she used protect. Bismead looked back at Christmas, who was looking to the ground but still alive. She then looked at the stone, and looked into the crack. She saw everything. She saw all the lives of the troops of Regalien, being sent to their death in the war against Karasu. She saw all the lives of the warriors who fought for Karasu, defending their homeland from Regalien. Each and every life she saw died in vain, as nothing was gained for either side, only loss. She saw each of them, man woman and child alike.

She understood the dire situation of everyone involved, and now she stood tall against all those who murdered these poor victims. She destroyed the stone, and became the new vessel for Cruciatous. With the psychic steel type attached to the Spiritomb, his psychic powers became immensely more powerful. He was able to completely encase the world in darkness, and subject everyone living in Alteria to the horrible nightmares of the wars passed. Soon everyone would know of the injustices of all pokemon. With the world encased in an everlasting darkness, Cruciatous finally gained control of the world and plenty more innocent pokemon were slaughtered. Christmas stood there on the mountaintop where he had made the deal.

About a year passed by as he watched the entirety of the world burst into dark flames. Cruciatous had successfully put an end to the world, and his rampage. He returned to the mountain, and released Bismead from his grasp. Using the last of his energy he sent the two of them to the Alter Realm, a place where they could be alone for the rest of their lives.

The End.

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