Ending 2: Festicentem

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Laz looked around, and noticed that the darkness had enveloped the entirety of the mountain within a few minutes. Bismead starts to feel a bit dizzy, and her eyes turn purple. She takes the reaper cloth from Christmas, and a dusk stone that she had gotten from Gramps. She uses imprison, combining the two objects to create the odd keystone. The darkness takes shape around it and over a matter of seconds, a spiritomb comes out.

"Ahahahahaha, I am finally free, free to destroy the world time and time again. Thank you Ferroriculum, you've been a great help. Die."

Cruciatous uses sucker punch, and instantly knocks out the poor bronzor. The impact of the punch knocks her off the mountain top, as Christmas flies down to rescue her. Cruciatous turns his attention to Gramps and Laz. Gramps leapt 50 feet in the air, aiming to land on Cruciatous, and deal crippling damage.

"Oh dear Foretuces, you would have made a great warrior. However, your little parlor tricks won't work on me."

Cruciatous uses his telekinesis to lift Laz's shell off his back, and shields himself with it. Gramps comes crashing down into the shell breaking through it, as he floats unconsciously in the water. Cruciatous then said to Laz,

"Festicentem, I think you were the most disappointing of them all. I gave Foretuces the strength to rule all. I gave Ferroriculum my amazing intellect to one day revive me. Fortuvem I gave the ability of flight to help guide you all to me, and you... I gave you an infinitely large shell, so that you may store everything I've ever needed. Yet you continue to use it for trash."

Cruciatous takes the remains of the shell, and throws it all atop Gramps who lay unconscious in the water. Laz scuttled towards the water to save Gramps, but Cruciatous got between them. Laz raised his claws and readied an X-scissor, but Cruciatous was faster. He sucker punched him so hard Laz couldn't feel his legs. Christmas had flew back up, and with bismead in his sack, he called out to Laz

"Laz! Bismead is safe! If we all team up together, we can beat this guy no problem!"

With the reassuring words Laz finished the X-scissor, dealing massive super effective damage to Cruciatous. He recoiled back in pain, as Christmas shot an ice beam at him from behind. Cruciatous began moving towards Christmas, but Laz had caught up and grabbed the odd keystone. He threw it back a few feet, sending the Spiritomb flying. Laz then charged up a solar blade, as Christmas charged up a blizzard. Christmas let it go, freezing Cruciatous in place as Laz slashed the Cruciatous in half with his solar blade.

"N-O I-T C-AN'T BE. L-IE-S AN-D DE-CIE-T S-HA-LL F-ALL. YO-U W-ILL AL-L DI-E..." Dark whispers unfolded as the mist surrounding the odd keystone dissipated. Spiritomb was no more. The two went over to Gramps and Bismead respectively, and made sure both were alright. Gramps had sustained some minor damage, and Bismead had a slight dent, but Christmas just said it made her look cuter. With the threat gone Laz took the stone in his hands, and set out in search of a new shell. Before he had left, Bismead warned Laz about keeping it as a trinket, and decided to banish it to the Alter Realm. The others sat by on the mountaintop, tending to their wounds. That night, they all had a peaceful sleep, in knowing that their friendship will prevail against all odds.

The End.

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