Chapter fifteen

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After freshning up, Myra skipped downstairs. Her stomach was growling loudly in hunger. She was given a room near between Victor and Max's rooms. Triplets were exhausted after this long trip. So they directly went to sleep in their respective rooms. Max was nowhere to be seen.

Myra finally managed to find the kitchen but she froze hearing sound of laughter coming from inside. She shyly peeped through the door and her eyes fell on Tristan and Victor. They were talking to a woman. She was a petite looking woman with a short and slender frame. A little taller than Myra. She had her back to the door.

Myra almost screamed when she felt a hand on her shoulder. With a embarrassing blush, she looked back at Dominic. He gave her a confused look.

"What happened?" She shrugged at his question and started planning to sneak out of there but Dominic grabbed her hand.

"You shouldn't feel awkward. We are family after all." He gave her a small smile and pulled her through the door.

"Myra!" Tristan said.

"Come in here dear. Meet your aunt Eleanora." He smiled. Nora turned to look at Myra. Her gray eyes brightened at the sight of her. Myra stiffened all of a sudden when Nora pulled her into a motherly warm hug.

"It's been years since I last saw you. You look still so cute and beautiful." Nora whispered. She frowned when she felt a wetness on her face. It took her a moment to realize that she was actually crying. Myra stared at her tears concerned.

"Are you alright, aunt?" Nora nervously chuckled at her question.

"Yeah. I am good. You just remind me of her." She said with a shaky smile.

Before Myra could say anything Dominic cut this conversation off.

"Nora! Myra is hungry. Would you mind maki--"

"God! Why didn't you told me at first? Come Myra. Sit here darling. I will make you something real quick." Nora ushered her towards a chair.

Few minutes later, the doors abruptly opened. A girl wearing a short black leather dress and a iconic chanel handbag in her hand entered into the kitchen. Her 8 inch nude black high heels clicked loudly on the floor as she confidentially took steps. Something that Myra could never do.

"Hi everyone." She gave a lopsided grin and threw her bag carelessly down on the counter. Myra watched with her eyes filled with wonder as she hugged Tristan and then smiled at Victor with a small nod. She kissed Dominic and Nora's cheeks. Who was she? That was the only question running in Myra's mind.

"How have you been Camila?" Tristan asked as she took a seat right beside Myra.

"I have been great Uncle. How is the work going? It had been such long time since we last met."

"Everything is good." Camila turned her attention to look at Myra who was now looking down and playing with her food.

"You must be Myra, right?" She raised her perfect shaped brow. Myra shyly nodded her head.

"Camila here!"

"N-nice to meet you." She said lowly.

"So how was the meeting, Camila?" Dominic asked his daughter.

"It ended well, Dad! The deal is on. The first shipment of guns will be here tomorrow night. I will be going there with Damien." She replied while grabbing her phone and typed something on it.

Myra finished with her food and stood up.

"Thank you for the food, Aunt Nora." She smiled at Nora. Camila almost laughed at the way Myra was sounding in her small polite tone. She was so tiny in compare to her 5'7 tall frame.

Victor followed her out of the kitchen.

"Have you done unpacking?" He asked as they both reached the staircase.

"Yes I have. It was all dull and boring if you are asking this." Victor chuckled at her dull tone.

"You will get used to this, Myra." He patted her head as they reached her room.

"Vic! I have a question. About whom Aunt Nora was talking about?" Victor stiffened at her sudden question.

"Myra! Don't ask anyone else about this here. It is a sensitive topic for everyone here."

"W-what happened?" She frowned.

"Nora and Dominic had two twins daughters. One Camila and second Mila." He said with a deep frown on his face.

"If Camila is here so where is Mila then?" Myra was getting more and more confused.

"She was stolen by someone three days later after her birth. Our father, Dominic and Nora's brothers tried to find her but they were never successful. Days later they got letters and some photos of her deadbody. It showed that she was brutally killed. Mila is dead." Myra gasped at his words. She didn't even realized when tears started to roll down her cheeks.

"H-how c-c-could s-someone be s-so c-cruel?" Myra whimpered. Victor sighed heavily. Her tears bothered him too much. He could never see her cry. It ached his own heart too. He gathered her shaking form in his warm embrace and comforted her.

"Shh Myra! Please don't cry. What done is done. You can't change anyone's fate."

Little did Victor know that he himself had changed someone's fate.

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