Chapter 11:

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(Y/N) pov:

Back on Dragons Edge I went to go sit in my cave. Thinking about what I figured out. The people I started to trust were those people who killed my parents.


I flew to Outcast Island, I've been dreading to go there ever since I save the Hiccup's island but now I have to talk to Alvin.

"Look who decided to show up." said Alvin seeing me approach him.

"I need to ask you something." I said abruptly.

"Ask away." he said in a less interested tone.

"How do I destroy Berk?" I asked.

"Well" Alvin began to say taking interest, "I've been trying for years, but with you on the inside it should be easy." he continued, "Stoick doesn't trust you much, eh?" he asked and I nodded.

"Then gain he's trust along with Hiccup." he told me.

"Why play the waiting game? Why don't I just go there and attack? I could easily destroy them." I asked.

"Because over the years they've gotten smarter and stronger and now they have dragons. It would be impossible to destroy them just like that." he answered spitefully.

And with that plan made I left back to my secret burrows.

I started sketching out a map of Berk and decided to use there own dragons against them. If I was going to play the waiting game I was going to be smart about it.

As I was setting up the map I heard footstpes from above. It was Hiccup, I could here him talking to Toothless. I held my breath and didn't move waiting for them to leave.

Eventually they did and I continued planning their doom. They killed my parents and now, I was going to kill them. And slowly take away everything they cared for.

Like what they did to me.............

Sorry the chapter is so short but I hoped you liked it!

Bye for now

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