sleeping with sirens

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I like that picture

"Oh my goodness" you screamed right now you had just got VIP tickets to the next sleeping with sirens show.

"Thank you thank you thank you" you said as you jumped up and down

"Your welcome" your best friend said.
-------------------- skip two days---------------------

You were getting out of you car and started walking over to the gate. The man scanned yours and your friends ticket and let you pass.

"I can not believe we are going to meet sleeping with sirens" you said

"I know i know you told me a million times" she said jokingly.

You punched her in the arm playfully.

After awhile SWS started thier set.

"Whats up Chicago!" Kellin yelled

The crowd just roared back in response.

"This song is call the" kellin screamed

The wonderful music filled you ears.

After a couple of more songs their set was over now it is time for the meet and greet you lost you friend somewhere but dont know where. Oh well. As you were walking to the little booth you saw y/f/n talking to kellin and justin. You just smiled and walked over feeling a little jealous.

"Hey y/n where have you been i have been looking for you" y/f yelled

"Oh so thats y/n....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" kellin and justin yelled in unison.

Kellin wispered in Justin's ear but you could not hear him over all the music. Justin just smile and nodded. But you saw something out of the corner of your eye justin had his fingers crossed.

"Hey y/n kellin over here thinks your hot!" justin yelled running away scared Kellin would do something. Kellin just blushed not knowing what to say.

"He is a dickwad" he wispered

You giggeled. He blushed again.

"Well Kellin i have to go i will see you later" you said walking away.

"Wait!" Kellin yelled "can i have a kiss on the cheek?" Kellin asked

You blushed and nodded you leaned over the table and just when you were about to kiss his cheek he head moved causing you to kiss his lips.You pulled back embarrassed.

"Here..." kellin said handing you a paper.

"Well i have to go" you waved to kellin. He just smiled back.

The little slip of paper had his number on it.....maybe i will give him a call.

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