Tony Perry

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"Thank you everyone for coming out we are Church Hill!! Give it up for my boys Pierce the Veil" you yelled to the crowd .

They roared in response.

As you were exiting the stage you bumped into your boyfriend Tony.

"Good job out there babe" he told you

"Thanks honey. Good luck " you told him before kissing him which turned into a steamy make out session

"Ewwwwww get a room" mike yelled

You flipped him off.

"Dont forget our date tonight honey" you told tony

"Dont worry i wont" he said

-------------------- time skip------------

You fixed your hair and applied the last touches to you make up. Tonight you were going on a date with Tony. We were supposed to go to the movies. You walked out from the bathroom both your band and Pierce the Veil shared. Yall were both on tour together.

"Hey jack do you see my vans over there?" You yelled at Jack, the drummer

"Ya they are over here" he yelled back in response

You walked over and grabed your shoes. You put them on.

"Bye jack I will see you later" you told jack before walking out

You started heading towards the theater down the street. Once you got to the front you waited for Tony. After 5 minutes went by you figured he was still at the meet and greet. It started getting a little darker and you completely missed the movie. Now you were pissed off. You walked back to the tour bus. You walked in and saw that all of pierce the veil was there watching movies. What was Tony doing playing games on his phone. Nice going. You stormed to the back lounge.

"Hey babe" Tony called

You turned around and gave him a death glare. The room got quite. You continued walking. Once you got to yhe back you grabbed your suitcase and brought it to your bunk. You packed you shirts and jeans. You walked out to the front.

"Y/n where are you going" mike asked

"Out" you muttered as you grabbed your keys to your black camero.

You opened the door and stomped out.

"Oh shit" you heard Tony yell

He rushed outside to where you were

"Y/n im so sorry i didnt mean to forget" he said

"Forget.FORGET! You forgot our 3 year anniversary!"

His face fell

"Im sorry" he mumbled

"Me too" you responded

You unlocked you car and jumped inside. He just stood there his hands going threw his hair. Bye Tony.

Part two is coming up

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