Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
"CALL 9-1-FUCKING-1" "I need suction STAT!...where're losing her! C'mon Jonah I know you're in there honey. C'mon don't go now. You're mom is here. C'mon honey." said the doctor. Jo could hear but couldn't open her eyes, speak, or move. "JO BABY PLEASE! YOU GOTTA FIGHT FOR MOMMY!" She heard her mothers wales of horror. "Nancy get mom out of here." the doc said. "NO IM NOT LEAVING THAT'S MY BABY. YOU GOTTA HELP HER. PLEASE! JO I SWEAR YOU GOTTA MAKE IT, DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE HERE!" her mother continued to wale. Then she...she just...stopped. "SHE CRASHED! SHE'S NOT BREATHING!" docs charged up the defibrillator, it was weird. Jo could her herself flatlining. People loved her. She couldn't go yet. She couldn't leave her mom. She wanted to graduate high school. Fight with her mom over the clothes she wore. She boys she dated. She wanted to get married, have kids. Go to Senior prom. Get drunk for the first time. Do all the normal stuff teenagers did. She didn't want to die.


Not today. "I HAVE A PULSE!...SHE'S STABILIZING!...Jonah honey can you here me? My name is Dr.Stevens I'm gunna help you okay? Jonah if you can here me squeeze my hand." Jonah mustered up enough strength to lightly squeeze his finger. She wasn't dying...not tonight

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