The Good and Bad of Truth

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Sherlock holds the door of Speedy's for Molly, and he smiles and thanks him as she walks through. He follows and they saunter up to the counter, noticing Rachel instructing a couple of the kitchen staffers through the takeaway window.

After a moment, she realizes that they are standing there and grins shyly, walking through the swinging kitchen door to the area behind the blue counter. "Hi, you two! It seems that the consensus is in, and business is still going strong. I'm glad I didn't deter any of the loyal customers. The lunch rush was quite exhilarating though", she giggles. "So! Anything come of the results yet?"

Sherlock nods. "Yes. We've actually come to talk to you about that. We found out quite a number of things. Do you a moment to step out?"

", yeah of course."

Molly nods. "Come up to 221B when you're ready. I know this is personal and you should have privacy for this conversation."

"Thank you. I'll be right up; I'm going to tell Raf that he has to take over the counter for a few."


Molly hooks her arm around Sherlock's and walks with him out the café and up to 221B.



A million thoughts rush through Rachel's mind as she ponders what in the world Sherlock and Molly could have uncovered. Her body begins to feel jittery. Whether it is with excitement or terror, she couldn't tell. Making sure that everything is in order, she slips her apron off and hangs it up, walking out the door and into the one on the right to the units in 221 Baker Street. As she ascends the stairwell, her heartbeat seems to increase in speed as her steps slow. This is it. There's no going back. She's about to find out who her biological parents were.

Reaching the chipping, green, 221B emblazoned door, she takes a deep breath and knocks. Molly and Sherlock's voices come in unison as they shout for her to enter.

Walking in, she gives them a small smile before sitting in a chair they had set out for her in the quaint sitting room. Clasping her hands in her lap, she waits for them to speak first, anxious but worried.

Suddenly there is a knock on the door and John peeks his head in. Sherlock and Molly light up a bit. "John! Good of you to come by, I know it's the middle of the day."

"No worries, slow day at the clinic so I took my leave, put the phones on service to page me if there's an emergency."

He turns to Rachel and smiles, a look of shock on his face. "Oh, wow, you must be Rachel."

Rachel stands up and shakes his hand. "Doctor Watson, I presume. I love your blog."

John laughs and Sherlock rolls his eyes, an amused smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, threatening to give way.

"Thank you. Sherlock has told me all about you. Molly has some as well. Don't worry, you have a great father."

"Uh, John, we didn't tell her yet", Sherlock hisses.

"Ohh...sorry. Right, look at me letting the cat out of the bag early. I'll just...yeah", he motions to his chair and sinks down into it, looking between Sherlock, Molly, and Rachel. "You're very glad you're shacking up with London's best pathologist mate, or else these results would be hard to come by", he teases Sherlock.

"Yeah, I agree!", Molly pipes up, grinning cutely.

"Oi, you don't have to tell me that, I know. But luckily I am, and we have them so now can we proceed?", he huffs, getting irritated by the bantering interruption.

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