Part 7

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Lia arrived at the party. She wore a beautiful and decent dress while all the other girls wore something very exposing. Lia knew in the back of her mind that the party would be a dodgy one. Everyone was underaged yet there was so many beer bottles and wine bottles everywhere. She sighed and wish she was at home or playing chess with Ryujin or something.

She found an empty corner and was about sit down until a group of girls came to her and dragged her inside.

"Hey Lia, here, drink."
"No thank you, I don't drink."
"We said, drink." They were cold.
"I really don't want to pass out, I have school tomorrow."
"One beer isn't going to do anything."
"No sorry, I'm fine. Really."
"Listen Lia, you don't need to act. We know what type of girl you are."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You like playing around with guys, oh and that girl Ryujin."
"You've got it all wrong." She backed away.
"Oh really? Prove it, drink."
"Ryujin and I are childhood friends."
"Oh is that so?"
"I should really go now." As Lia turned she felt the girls pull her arm back. They chugged the whole can of beer in her mouth and she immediately passed out.

One of the girls were nice enough to find Ryujin's phone number and ring her to pick up Lia. Ryujin just got back home from her dinner with her father and saw than an uknown number was calling.

"Hi, this is Ryujin."
"Yeah Ryujin, you'll have to pick up Lia. She's wasted."
"Okay I'm on my way."

Since when did Lia drink? I thought she knew better.

She found Lia completely wasted in a corner.

"Lia, wake up, wake up."
Lia was unresponsive. Ryujin picked Lia up, taking her to the car.

The Choi mansion had closed as Mr Choi had an important meeting going on late at night. This meant that Lia would have to stay at Ryujin's place for the night. She carried Lia to her bedroom as all guestrooms were closed. She took Lia's shoes off and changed her into her pyjamas. Lia woke up a bit and saw Ryujin taking care of her.

"Oh you're awake." Ryujin spoke coldly.
"I'm sorry for all that trouble Ryujin. I really didn't mean to."
"I didn't know you drink?"
"I don't! I really don't! There were some girls that forced a can of beer down me."
"You didn't push them away?"
"They had held both my hands. It's sound unrealistic but it really happened."
"It's okay, I believe you." Ryujin noticed Lia started crying. She wiped her tears away.
"Hey, why are you crying now?"
"I just messed up, I should have just stayed home."
"I'm sorry about that suggestion too." Ryujin felt guilty. "Hey by the way Lia, have you eaten?"
"No I haven't, and I'm starving."
"Ok, then wait here." Ryujin went downstairs. Lia thought Ryujin brought leftovers from her dinner so she waited.

After about 15 minutes, Ryujin entered the room with a large tray that had plate with pancakes. It smelled heavenly.

"I know how much you love pancakes. This might make you feel better."
"Thank you so much Ryujin. I really appreciate this."
"You better, I'm also letting you stay in my room tonight. I'll sleep downstairs."

Ryujin woke up earlier the next day so she could go to Lia's house and grab her uniform for her. She placed it on her bed and got ready for school. Luckily, Lia's hangover was gone so she could get ready for school on time.

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