Part 8

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That day, a lot of gossip and rumors were being shared. Everyone was interested. And it had nothing to do with Lia being forced a beer, it was Lia and Ryujin being childhood friends. This gave people a bigger reason to ship them. However, Lia's image of a hardworking, perfect student remained while Ryujin's image of a cold but intelligent person remained.

Ryujin and Lia didn't care about the talks going on, it didn't change anything. They sat down for lunch and everything was fine until Lia asked Ryujin a weird question.
"Hey Ryujin. I've got a question."
"Tell me."
"What is our relationship?"
Ryujin looked at her weirdly. "Well, we're about to be engaged so I guess you're my fiancé?"
"But we still have some time till our engagement."
'Then I guess you're my girlfriend."
Lia paused for a minute and quickly drank some water.
"That makes sense."

Lia felt as if she made things awkward with Ryujin by asking that question even though she didn't seem to mind. They both finished their classes and went home with their drivers. They had to meet again during the day to arrange their outfits for their engagement. Lia was decided to wear a stunning red dress while Ryujin would wear a dashing red suit. It suit them really well and even more people said that they looked good with each other. Both Lia and Ryujin started getting more comfortable with the idea of them getting married, even though it still upset them a bit that their parents didn't ask for their permission.
"That red dress really suits you Lia." Ryujin complemented her as she grabbed a plate to pass to Lia. They were waiting for some final dress checking so they decided to enjoy the free food.
"Thanks Ryujin. You look good in a red suit too."
"Do you want some of this rice?"
"Yes please, thank you."
They sat down to eat. The food was pretty good although Ryujin joked that she could cook better. Lia laughed and agreed.
"Also Ryujin, I want to apologize about last night."
"Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault."
"Still caused you trouble though."
"I'm glad you're fine now." Ryujin gave her a bright smile.
"You know what, I kind of wish we were closer as children." Lia randomly stated.
Ryujin looked disappointed.
"We were." Ryujin said as she got up. Her father was calling her.
Lia looked surprised.

At the end of the day, Lia went up to her father. She was a bit reluctant but asked her the question that bothered for the rest of the day.
"Um dad, is it okay if I ask you a question."
"Of course Lia, what is it?"
"Was I close to Ryujin when we were kids?"
"Why are you asking?" Her father was surprised.
"I just want to know."
"You... were. You two very close."
"What happened then?"
"I think it's late you should sleep."
"Dad please! Tell me. Don't leave me in the dark. It's my life, I have the right to know."
"Fine, sit down."

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