Chapter One

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Chapter One

Running through the hall with a shit-eating grin across my face holding a bucket of dark blood red water I stopped next to a bathroom with my best friend Seth beside me.

"Ready, Seth?"

His dark brown hair, with boyish smile looked at me, "Of course I'm ready to cause some trouble with you Gipsy," he whispered lowly while he too held a bucket of dark red water as well.

"Okay... on my signal we're going to throw it on Brianna and her slaves, okay?"

He nodded at me and I crouched next to the entrance of the door. I could hear the clicking of their heels in the bathroom. Thank god it's lunch time or else I'd be screwed. Clutching my breath I saw Brianna then her two minions coming out and I braced myself with the bucket. Looking at Seth I counted down from three and on one we launched the water on them. All you could hear afterwards was a high pitched shriek. 

"You dumb little bitch!" Brianna stared at me with her dull, but fiery brown eyes. Dropping the bucket I reared around to her and laughed.

"It's not my fault you can't keep up Brianna. Honestly, after all these years of you bullying me and then me getting payback on you, you'd think you'd get a hint that I don't give a rats ass about what you think or say!"

Her face contorted with anger as she shifted into her mud reddish looking wolf; she came up to about my shoulder, which was honestly small for a werewolf but nevertheless she could sink a fat gnarly tooth into my shoulder. Rolling my eyes at his smaller wolf I kicked it into the ribs causing her to fall into the wall next to the bathroom. Her two minions, Jessica and Kourtney, gasped as she went into the wall and landed on the ground with a thud.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Brianna, do we have to go through with this every time? I'm the Beta's daughter, and you're just some random girl who got lucky enough with the gene pool." Kicking her stomach again causing her to whimper she reached around and snagged her teeth around my leg. Groaning, I fell and hit my head on the cold tile. Seth came running and picked me up, of course, but now the whole senior class is watching me and Brianna have our little showdown. Kicking her nose she let go of my leg and some blood came running out of my leg. 

Whipping my head towards her, my nostrils flared as I kicked her repeatedly in the stomach and stomped on her, "I hope you feel this you bitch! You've caused me torment since kindergarten!" Blake came and grabbed me from behind and tugged me to an empty classroom.

Seething, I turned towards Blake. Ah, Blake Kenneth Clearwater, beautiful man in front of me. Now, Blake is the Alpha's son and a total babe. His black hair and bright blue eyes set this man apart from the crowd. 

"Gipsy Black Winter, I don't know what I'm going to do with you! You're causing fights again?"

Snorting I looked at Blake, "Just because you're the Alpha's son does not mean you get to tell me what to do or what I should be doing. Now come over here and give me a smooch."

Blake pecked my lips and sighed at me, "It's because I care about you is why."

"You know we're not supposed to be hooking up, and god's you care for me? Where is that rugged playboy that all the Alpha's sons' are supposed to be?" Snorting, Blake grabbed me by the waist and leaned against the abandoned teacher's desk. Grabbing my ass he kissed my lips hard.

Sitting in the courtyard with my frustration satisfied after Blake and I's little encounter. I was sitting next to Jess, Rebel, and Seth; and Seth looked a little pissed at the fact I ditched him. Well, I didn't ditch him; I got escorted away by a knight in shining armor. Jess looked like a normal girl, well, mostly normal. She had long, wavy blonde hair that was golden and dressed more soft than others that was mostly sundresses and heels. Rebel, you could probably guess, was dressed more in punk rock aesthetic and had black hair. Seth was an average boy with dark brown hair and dressed more on the athletic side since he was on the soccer team.

And me? I have blonde hair with green eyes, and dress casual and leisurely, "So... does anyone have any plans tonight?"

"No, Gipsy." Rebel grunted out as she stared at me. Her baby blues looked at me and I knit my eyebrows at what she said, "It's your birthday and you haven't told us if you have anything planned or not."

Groaning and falling on the bench, I cannot believe I forgot it was my birthday. I turn eighteen today and I feel like I'm freaking fifty for crying out loud.

"I'm probably going to spend the night with Blake if I'll be honest..." trailing off I thought of the fun we had early and sighed in content. Jess and Rebel turned their noses up to what I just said.

"Oh, so you're trying to continue what you and him did earlier? I see." Jess squealed as I reached to hit her on the arm with a little not-so-love tap. 

"Jess! You heard that?"

"I'm sure the whole school could hear you. Plus, Blake's thoughts weren't exactly on math class."

Gasping, "He said he turned them off!" Jess shook her head and laughed at my horrific expense. Good God, I'm going to kill him. The bell rang signaling the end of the day, grabbing my bag I started running, "Bye guys! I'll see you on Monday!" Sprinting to the parking lot I saw Blake sitting in his black Jeep. Jogging up to it I hopped in the passenger seat and looked at him.

"So... you turned off the thoughts to the rest of the pack, huh?

"Yeah, I did."

"Then how come they all know?!" I smacked his arm with my bag.

Blocking my hit he laughed at me, "I'm sorry it's hot okay?"

I'm gonna show him what hot is.


This book will not have much Mature Content, but some.


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