Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Blinking back the surprise that Seth just sprung on me suddenly I looked at him in disbelief, "I'm sorry? How could you call me that? We've been friends since we were kids" 

Seth rolled his eyes at me and scoffed in my direction, "My own mate doesn't even want me, let alone my puppy love crush," Seth has a mate?

"You have a mate," I questioned him as my eyebrows knit together.

"Yes, I do. Not that she wants me anyway, she has a husband and a kid. My mate is seven years older than me and she's been with her husband for five years with a child that is five years old. You think I care about what you have to say to me," Seth growled lowly in my direction and I could sense Jax turning his already hot rage to blind red rage as Seth continued to talk to me.

"Seth, just because--" 

Seth put his hand in front of my face forcing me to cease my sentence I leaned back into the couch and along with Jax putting his arm around my shoulder, "I don't want to hear anything else from you, Gipsy. I only did what you wanted from me because of my crush on you. Now take your asshole of an Alpha out of my fucking house."

Jax sighed and sat up from the couch slowly and looked at Seth in the eye, suddenly he grabbed his shirt and pulled him to him roughly forcing him beneath him so Jax could tower over him, "I'm not just some Alpha, pup," he growled to Seth and put a death grip on his neck when he pushed him into couch with his boot coming onto the chest pushing him into cushions, "I'm the motherfucking King."


What did Jax just say? We walked into my house and I couldn't wrap my head around the slightly dizzying information that was just dropped on me moments ago.

"Jax, what did you mean?'

Sighing he pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at me, "Nothing, now please go pack because we have to leave to Paris tonight."

"Jax, I'm not ready to go to Paris," I am an eighteen year old that was just able to get out of high school. I should be more worried about going on dates and finding love rather than flying around the world to go to a pack.

He stopped in my room and sighed irritatingly towards me, "Gipsy, I'm not asking you, I'm telling you to pack your shit because we are leaving to go to Paris. Tonight," he emphasized 'tonight' with a sort of anger I haven't quite heard yet from him.

Following him to my room I stood next to him folding my arms across my chest, "Then explain to me what happened back there, Jax."

Groaning loudly he looked towards me, "God, Gipsy, how blatantly obvious does it need to be? I am a King. I am the King! Your pack, or any pack, would be nothing without me. I decide what goes, love. If I tell them to go kill rogue families, they do it. If I tell them to kill a maiden in distress to fulfill some sort of primal instinct, they do it. Who do you think keeps packs afloat? Me. None of you have actual human jobs unless you go out and actually get that job. I have the money and the power to keep you all alive."

Taken back by surprise I looked at him, "You're a monster," I whispered.

He stepped towards me, backing me up against the wall, "I'm the monster under your bed they tell you to be scared of at night while you sleep, love. I am not going anywhere, and you aren't either. If you leave, I will hunt you down to the ends of the Earth to keep you here."

Tears started to form in my eyes while I stared at Jax, "You're an asshole, Jax. You can't make me stay with you. I can leave if things get bad enough."

He smirked and grabbed my jaw caressing it, "No you won't. I already have you in my clutches, love. You can't leave me even if you wanted too."

Pushing him away I looked at him while my chest heaved with anger at him, "You can't make me do a damn thing, Jax."

Grabbing the small of my back he pulled me towards him, "Try me, love."


Hugging my parents and brother goodbye I boarded the jet and sat down with a window seat to look out to my family waving me off. Jax sat down with a huff and opened his laptop, "Might as well sleep, you have a long flight before we get back to Paris."

Scoffing at him he rolled his eyes at my attitude, "Stop being an asshole."

"Gipsy, I'm not being an asshole towards you. I was being honest, it is a long flight to Paris and I don't want you to get absolutely horrible jet lag," he shrugged his shoulders as I sighed. 

Putting a blanket on top of me I grabbed a pillow putting it underneath my head so I can get comfortable. Humming myself to sleep I drifted off thankfully.


Sitting up into a pitch black room I looked around with an effort to try and figure out where I am. Taking in a deep breath through my nose to try and smell where I am when I realized that cannot help me too much as I search my brain for my wolf; why isn't she here? Getting up from the rickety bed I reached for the door to open it and after doing so I was met with a dark figure with a sinister smile. Feeling a sense of fear in my chest I lifted my eyes to meet the dark red eyes of the dark figure that stared into my soul. Feeling my mouth go dry I took a step back from the figure and it reached up to my neck and grabbed it, "Well, hello we meet again, Gipsy."

"What do you want?" I gritted out through my teeth as it laughed dryly at me.

"I want to come out and play. I've been stuck in the hollow places of your mind long enough. I'm taking over and there's nothing you can do to stop me."

"I doubt that, I will do whatever I need to do," it growled at me and dropped me to the ground letting me gasp for air.

"That will be the worst decision of your life, Gipsy. And I will make your life hell until I am able to get out."


Bolting out of my dream my chest frantically went up and down as I racked my brain for Kaya. Kaya. Kaya. Kaya. Finding her she weakly welcomed me and I breathed a sigh of relief to me, "Gipsy, I think I'm dying," Kaya said to me weakly and I started to tear. This cannot be how I dreamed my life would be going right now.



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