Chapter 3

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I was sitting in the fifth period, waiting for the day to be over. The clock on the wall was ticking agonizingly slow. It didn't help that our history teacher, Mrs. Brightly, was going over the Meta Revolution.

The Meta Revolution was when the superhumans- aka, metas- were first discovered. Out of nowhere, thousands of people around the world reported having strange abilities that shouldn't have been humanly possible. Of course, a lot of them decided to play hero and dress up in spandex and a cape.

Turned out a lot of them didn't actually know how to save people. And to make matters worse, not all of them wanted to be a superhero.

So when the superheroes and the supervillains declared war on each other, all the world could do was sit back and watch. The military couldn't help what with missiles not affecting an invincible laser-shooting menace, so there was almost no hope for the world. Every day, buildings collapsed and lives were taken. The construction workers couldn't keep up...and neither could the gravediggers.

Eventually, a person came that shut up every superhero and supervillain in the world. I say person because no one ever knew whether or not he was good or bad- some say he worked for the government, others that he was a supervillain bent on destroying the world, and even a few who thought he was a hero. He went by the name Blackout, but no one knew what he could do. He had no goal, only to destroy every living superhuman soul on the planet. For a while, he succeeded, destroying whole countries in days.

By the time he got to America, though, we were prepared. A rogue superhero called Warp stepped out of the shadows to protect her country. She had the power to bend space itself.

The fight was humongous. New Mexico just happened to be the home of this battle, but...let's just say there's no more New Mexico. As for Warp and Blackout, they were never found. There are way too many conspiracy theories circling that situation.

The only good thing that came out of Blackout's destruction was that he scared the shit out of all of the so-called superheroes, and they all disappeared overnight.

Of course, that was 50 years ago, and time went on. But that was the main reason schools like ours got started up- to keep incidents like that from ever happening again.

Anyway, Mrs. Brightly had just gotten to the big fight when she heard a knock at the door. She paused, then walked over and opened it with an irritated expression on her face.

It quickly changed to a smile when Principal Brown walked in. 

"Hello, Mr. Brown. How are you today?" The smile plastered on her lips looked way too forced to be sincere. We all knew it was fake.

"Mrs. Brightly," Mr. Brown said, walking into the classroom. "Sorry to interrupt, but you have a new student."

A girl emerged from behind Mr. Brown.  She had golden locks of hair and a sweet, dazzling smile with beautiful doe-like eyes.

She was...beautiful.

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