Chapter 1

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When my force field began to flicker out, I knew I couldn't last much longer. My focus couldn't hold, and the constant barrage of pressure wasn't helping at all.

My name is Jay West. I go to a school for metas (superhumans) called Skyview in Highland, Alabama. (I had to transfer here after...well, you know. The accident.)

Right now, I'm taking Phys-Ed, and it's training day. Training day is the day we practice our combative skills against an opponent while we're being watched and judged by our coach. Of course, I was first pick. And guess who I'm up against? The school jock and class bully.

His name is Jack Brent. I know. Stupid name. Everyone just calls him Dick. Mostly because he's brawny, stupid, and an overall jerk. He also never, ever lets go of a grudge.

So, back to the present. As my force field faded out and Jack hammered down on it, I got ready to make a last-second getaway. Right before my force field shattered, I teleported away, trying to catch my breath. Big mistake. Dick only hesitated a moment before rushing at me with his superspeed. He slammed me, and I flew ten feet into the air before coming back down to the ground and getting an intimate lip-locking experience with Dick's fist.

I moaned, lying on the ground, trying to force some air into my lungs. Dick was right behind me, though. He loomed over me, grinning.

I cringed. His smile was like a wounded hyena's- ugly and disturbing, with a hint of creepiness in the corner.

He grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me above him with one hand. I kicked my legs under me, scrabbling for the floor.

With his other hand, Dick reached back and punched me in the face with a satisfying crack (for him). Bright blue blood spurted from my nose.

Dick reached back and hit me again. And again. And again. My head sagged. I was seeing double vision.

"I give..." I said. Or at least I thought I said it. It might have come out as a mumble.

"Nuh-uh," Dick said. "You don't get off easy today, little bitch. Remember last week when I said I would pummel you the first chance I get?" 

I actually don't remember him saying that. 

"Well," he punched me again,"now I'm collecting."

"Okay, Jack," I said, shaking my close-cropped dark hair out of my eyes, my face bloody and messy, "I'm going to give you one chance to back away from this and give up now." I looked him in the eye. "I am so tired of you beating me up and me not doing anything about it. Now is my chance to get you back for it, and believe me, I will take it- unless you drop me and give up." I stop talking, and he paused for a second.

"Hm, let me," he said. He reaches up and plunged me into the ground so hard that I leave a crater in the wooden gym floor.

I try to keep my anger in check. Maintain control of the situation, I tell myself.

Dick threw his fist down into the ground where I was lying, except, I'm not there anymore.

"The hell?" Dick said, confused.

From behind, I tapped him on the shoulder. He whirled around.

"I warned you," I say. Then, I focus energy into my right hand. I punch Dick with a sickening crack, releasing energy into his face at the same time.

The result is satisfying. He goes flying into the air, so high that he hits the invisible force field that separates us from the rest of the school. Then he falls all the way down to the floor. I step out of the way as he lands, leaving a second crater in the wood. The crowd in the stands makes an "oooh" sound.

Dick didn't get up.

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