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Her mother thaught her to never let others come between her and what she wants, she must surely regret it now.

She doesn't remember the last time her mother showed her any affection.She only cared for her son, to give him an education in order to become the heir.

Yet she always worked more than her little brother who her father and her knew had no desire to become the head of the family.

But she did.

She did everything she could to bring honor to her father, to make him proud.
She had read every single book she could put her hands on and studied thoroughly under her father's supervision.

But her mother never cared.

"How brillant tout are my dear son! You will do an amazing job when you will become duke!

Listening to her , they could believe that their father was already six feet under.
The duke was still very healthy an did not intend to step down anytime soon.
Not until her education will be complete.

A few months later he died from a mysterious illness.

She had to go through her mother Fake tears during the funerals.
She Heard her telling others noble familles that her son , though very capable , was too young to become duke and so she will assume the responsability until she see fit.

She knew her mother was trying to get rid of her.She found her daughter a husband in the other side of the country.

But uberstknown to her mother , she found two days ago a letter written by her father attesting that she was to inherit his title, wealth and possessions After his death.
At the bottom of the page was something that will have her and her brother from their mother's clutches. She was not to be married until she became the duchess and had free rein over who she and her father will marry.

For once she will listen to her mother's advice.

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