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I hope you enjoy, forgive me if there's grammar mistakes or misspellings. This is my second attempt at writing an xreader, last one I lost hyper-fixation to the fandom but Bill has never left my mind since 6th grade so i'm pretty sure I'll definitely be more motivated to finish this one, so-. Also much more canon orientated! You won't be finding much Ocs here besides yourself. Anyways lets get into it!
- Joz 🌙

Thirty degrees that come in threes.
Watches from within birch trees.
Saw his own dimension burn.
Misses home and can't return.
Says he's happy. He's a liar.
Blame the arson for the fire.
If he wants to shirk the blame.
He'll have to invoke my name,
One way to absolve his crime.
A different form a different time.


Summer 2012
- Unknown Dimension -

All he could do was stare.
They'd done it.
The Pines family had beaten Bill Cipher.
His soft, beady eyes gazed upon the small opening that viewed the scene from a bird's eye view. From within his cloudy cotton candy like paradise, The Axolotl viewed as the Fearymid or- what was , slowly ascended back into the hell called the rift, along with Cipher's henchmen, or what he had called friends screaming along the way.

The scene below was melodramatic to watch as he knew it had been coming but- he had foreseen his defeat with the Zodiac- not this. Bill would have been sent back to the Nightmare realm along with his henchmaniacs, and everything would have been set back to how it was before although most likely with a very pissed off Bill. But here- He knew himself that not all timelines always happened in a predictable and one way road but- he was so sure that-

He sighed. His frills twitching with a small hint of frustration of the unpredictability of it all, yet he continued watching for a few more moments before he closed the small portal view with a hesitant wave of his limb. This wasn't what he wanted.

He didn't want him to die.

Cipher was a frustrating force to deal with sure, tormenting different dimensions and victims for eons, being a pain in the tail at times even to fix. But in some ways, it was what needed to happen. As like a fire to a forest, it may bring destruction and at times pain, but afterwards it allows a new forest to grow, stronger and better than the last. There was a balance to it. And Bill did that, forced growth where there was none motivated in the first place, and he could see that effect in the Pines as a pure example. But that's not the only thing he was frustrated about. He heard him, in the panic of Stanley Pines's mind, he heard-

A - X - O - L - O - T - L

His final plea before he was shattered.
Of course this couldn't be ignored, Bill had been, an albeit, frustrating acquaintance in the time he's lived. The Axolotl was much older than Cipher, but, that didn't refrain them from butting heads at times, though they always saw each other at an eye level. So to say the least, the Axolotl respected Cipher and he (mostly) received the same respect back. So a plea from am old friend won't be ignored. But, indeed pondering upon this more, what was his plan- It couldn't go back to normal after this event, especially since he was sure most of the multiverse of dimensions had most likely heard of Bill's "death" by now. They'd most likely be celebrating or mourning depending on the creature's morals, and Bill would be done with. Forgotten. Was it a good or bad thing? He truly didn't know the answer or even wanted to know.

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