Chapter 1

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Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust.

Present Day 202X

It was cold.

He's always hated the cold. At least, he's pretty sure that he has, and it's always been that way since he's arrived here. Where ever here was.

Everything has been a blur as to how he had managed to get himself stuck in this situation. He just knows that he's been floating around here for quite awhile, alone and cold. And it's taken a toll on the sanity he had left, if, there was any sanity to begin with- He had tried countless of times to recall what was before, only getting the same hollow answer from his mind, that there was nothing there for him to remember. Or, at least, no clear past to reconcile upon.

What had always played in replacement of his past were those of obscure visuals and foreign sounds that mimicked what had, most likely been, his coherent memories. Some consisting of varying feelings of anger to what he could only describe as fear, which only made his frustrated paranoia worsen with each vague echo of what was.

What or Who he was always plaguing his mind, questioning upon what he'd had done to deserve this, a personalized hell that he was cursed to live in. It just felt like it would never get the chance to have closure, at least, not any time soon. Always an unknown, or out of reach conclusion that lurked whether he wanted to think about it or not.

But always, as he's come to get used to, it would always 360 right back to same schedule of unanswerable question after unanswerable question that he was forced to pity himself with as he had no answers to satisfy them.

To say the least, he was getting sick of it.

From the endless floating day in and day out for what seemed like ages or to the fact he had nothing to occupy himself with besides the thought that he was probably stuck here and never going to get out. Not even having the pleasure to view what he looked like because of the unending darkness that surrounded him, taking that privilege long ago.

For when he had first arrived in this suffocating solitude, he had attempted examining his surroundings. Coming to the real quick conclusion that this,"place" lacked floors, ceilings, or any type of distinguishable way to tell him what was up from down, filling him with the automatic dread of realizing he was in this alone for the long run.

So as any normal being would do, he panicked. Filling the void with an onslaught of hysteric questions before realizing it would never give him the desired answers back. So as time passed, he's floated here, in complete darkness, awaiting for the day to where he finally becomes one with the void around him. But it seemed that day wouldn't come soon enough, much to his displeasure.

And with displeasure comes desperation and with desperation comes-

"You know, I'd appreciate if someone would just give me a small sign. A way to tell that i'm not completely trapped in here forever." He began wryly, as he started another one of his many futile attempts of pleading with the void.

But as always, he was greeted back with an ignored silence. That though, never stopped his persistence.

"Wow okay. You know, it's polite to talk back to someone once they ask you something," he spoke dryly but desperation clinging to every word. "Because i've been thinking, what if, ya know- maybe, you could let me outta here? Then this would all be over and you'd get rid of me! An annoying, pestering voice that's been bothering you since day one." He spat out, trying to find the best way to coax a something out of nothing.

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