Chapter 3

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His mind screamed at him, as he gradually made his way through the veil with anxiousness. His eye shut tight in feared anticipation about what was waiting for him on the other side that was sending his mind frantic. Though as soon as he finally entered through, he winced waiting, slowly opening his eye only to blink a few times before it narrowed in complete confusion. There was just more void, more endless empty void.

Of course there was.

Now he wasn't afraid of the dark, hell that'll be the last thing he's afraid of at this point, after all he spent years in it alone. But if he wasn't going to lie, the last place he wanted to be is in another void for a whole 'nother eternity, just another thing to add to his deteriorating psyche. He shivered at the thought.

He rolled his eye, scolding his own mind about being afraid. Becoming even more annoyed at the fact the sign had given him false advertising. After all, unless he's been blind his whole entire life, he wasn't seeing a single memory to his disappointment. Though, a nice change of pace he only noticed after was that he could finally see himself, well at least partially. Staring down he saw the silhouette of a bowtie and a pale yellow glow surrounding him, giving him the capability of making out his arms and legs and soon his irritation was replaced with curiosity.

His brow rose as he tried to comprehend what kind of creature he was.

He had the basics down, listing down traits he could feel and see, one eyed, longish black arms and legs, yellow glow and appeared to have at least some kind of fashion taste. So, that still didn't give him much clues but at least it was something. A kind of cyclops maybe, but eh too skinny armed for that and what he felt as... flat? He felt along his surface, only getting a soft vibration of  the life he gave off from his "chest" area. Interesting. But with examining his chest he also noticed that how the bow tie he was wearing was ripped, his curiosity peaked a bit more, okay..

Though to his disappointment he couldn't really make out the rest of him. Only really what he saw below. He huffed and began looking around for anything, he really wished that he maybe had a mir—

A soft rumble filled the area making him jump and flicker his eye around the darkness in fear, somewhat already dreading the thought of being mauled by the wind a second time. Eventually landing his eyes to a small slit of white light coming from the floor, his eye widened and he blinked at it for a moment more before slowly approaching it with hesitance, his arms curling up in somewhat defense. He noticed there was something was rising out of it and he stopped in his tracks.

It shined softly in the white light as it materialized in front of him from below, it's reflective surface shining brightly with the floor's gleam, it could only take him a few minutes before he realized what it was.

A mirror.

At first he felt joy before realizing, did— did this place hear his thoughts? Or at least gave him what he wanted? He could only ponder as he stared at it in awe, it was black framed with another pattern of white brick that the hall before seemed to share the theme of. He wondered why the pattern was so recurring, that was until the mirror gave him a view of himself.

His body patterned on the lower section with said brick pattern.

But yeesh does it look like he's seen better days.

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