•Part twenty two

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warnings: eating disorder, body shaming

"Ty, I think I'm going to do it again.. I don't want to but I don't think I'm strong enough this time." You said as you entered the boys dorm, hoping Tyler would be in there.

"What are you going to do?" Fred's voice spoke from the bathroom, he poked his head around the corner before walking over to you.

"Where's my brother?" You ignored his question and looked around the room for him.

"You don't need him. I'm here."

You told him everything. What Astrid had said to you, what you felt about yours and Tyler's boggarts. Everything.

"Mars, I appreciate you telling me how you feel and what Astrid said.. but this still doesn't answer my question about what you might do." Fred said and grabbed your hands, you let him.

"Fine." You sighed and started to tell home everything. "Around two years ago, I was being bullied and body shamed lots in the holidays. I didn't eat for ages no matter who tried to make me eat, I didn't and I ended up getting an eating disorder."

Fred didn't say anything but his looks did, he looked upset at what you had done and what random strangers had done to you. He let you talk though until you had finished.

"Tyler and my mother helped me get through it though and I kind of overcame it. I still get memories of what they said and what I done, sometimes I even want to go back and do it all again just because I feel bad about myself." You admitted, Fred held your hands even tighter. "I can't though. My friends don't even know about this, only you, Ty and my mum. I can't do this to anyone again no matter how much I want to."

"Oh Mars.. come here." Fred noticed you were crying, you hadn't realised though so he gave you a nice and comforting hug. "You don't need to do any of this is you want to be perfect or some shit. You are the best girl I have ever met and known, you are so prefect, Mars Jackson. You don't need to listen to what that bitch Astrid is saying to you. She doesn't deserve your tears."

Fred wiped your tears away, his arms still wrapped around you. You got an urge to do another thing now, you tried not to but ended up doing it.

Your lips joined with Fred's and you didn't pull away until he did.

"Mars, I understand that you are upset but we aren't on the best terms. Are you sure you actually wanted to kiss me?" He asked you.

"Well.. yeah. I never stop liking you." You admitted to him, your lips joined once again.

"Mars, are you in here? I heard what Astrid said and-" Tyler stormed into the boys dorm and saw you and Fred kissing.. again. "What the fuck!"

"Shit." Fred cursed and stood up, so did you.

"Hey, Ty." You said, kind of out of breath. "What did you hear, let's go talk about it in my dorm!"

You pushed Tyler out of his dorm and then looked back at Fred, he had a situation downstairs.

"Might want to sort that out before Tyler kills you for it." You said and then walked outside of his dorm, taking Tyler to your dorm. "What did you hear?"


Tyler told you about what he heard Astrid saying after he asked a million questions about what he just walked into. You answered them questions and then let Tyler tell you about what he heard.

You were now just talking with him when two people walked into the dorm with trunks.

"Hey!!!" Cora yelled and put her trunk on the floor.

"Did you miss us?" Pearl asked and also put her trunk on the floor.

"You're back!" You shouted and got up, running to hug them both.

You gave each of them a nice welcoming hug before hugging them both at the same time.

"Hey, Tyler." Cora and Pearl said in unison, giving him a hug as well.

"Hey, girls. How is everything?" Tyler asked.

"Alright. We found some more things out but it's nothing too bad luckily." Pearl said and sat down on her bed.

"Where is everyone else? All lessons have finished by now." Cora stated and sat down on Pearl's bed with her.

"I actually don't know." You said and laid down.

You and the girls caught up for a while, so did your twin brother.

"So Mars, any news on you and Fred?" Cora wondered.

"Nope. We haven't had the chance to really talk but we kind of are a bit more." You said and Tyler stared to laugh.

"That is such bullshit." He laughed.

"Shut up, how?" You hit him on the head.

"Did I not walk in on you two then?" Tyler questioned through his laughter.

"What!!" Cora yelled and immediately sat up in shock, so did Pearl.

"What the hell! Seriously?" Pearl asked. "What were you two doing?"

"It was a simple kiss. Maybe two." You admired and Tyler groaned, burying his head into one of your pillows.

"Gross!" He groaned. "If I didn't interrupt, his penis could have been in your vagina by now."

"No! Ew! That would not have happened, I don't even know why I kissed him in the first place." You said.

"You kissed him? I think Fred would have made the first move." Pearl said.

"I wouldn't really say it was a move. I was upset and he was helping me, it just happened." You said. "And it was also a one time thing."

"Yeah right." Tyler laughed. "You two can't seem to keep your hands off of each other."

"Excuse you, yes we can." You lied. "I don't even like Fred."

"Sure." Pearl, Cora and Tyler said in unison.

You had no idea that someone was listening at the door, about to knock but didn't so that he could hear what you were saying.

Fred heard everything.

Word count: 1010

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