Chapter 1

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"Where am I?" I thought as I woke up. Moving my hand to my eyes to block out the sun.
"Ugghh" I heard from the right of me, I looked over to see dick on his knees with his hand rubbing his forehead. "Dick?" I asked, my eyes finally adjusting to the sun light. I looked over and saw Jason and Damian. Jason was awake looking around trying to process where the hell we were.
"You alright, Y/N" Dick asked me finally standing up reaching out a hand to help me up.
"Yeah, I think I'm good, just felt like I got hit in the face from Bane." I replied taking his hand getting up and giving him a smile.

I walked over to Jason while Dick woke up Damian. "Im not the least bit sane, but why the hell are there big ass walls for as far as i can see?" Jason said still trying to process where we are.
I looked around only noticing the walls now, "I have no idea Jason, maybe this is one of Bruce's training exercises?" Dick said finally getting Damian up.
"TT, I didn't need your help, Grayson." Damian said pushing Dick away.
"You were on your ass not even 2 minutes ago, sure as shit looked like you did." Jason said looking at Damian.
"I don't think this is a training exercise, I mean, look at us, it's only the five of us, where is Cass, Steph, Duke, Luke or Jean?" I said finally taking this all in.
"For once I agree with L/N." Damian said looking around at the trees around us.

"F/N, try check for any Wayne Tech satellites orbiting over head." Dick said looking at me, then at the windmill close by.
"Already one it." I said turning on my gauntlet. I tried to locate any satellites, but to no avail, I then expanded my search area to world wide, still to no avail.
"Guys?" I called trying to attract their attention.
"There's nothing." I said turning my gauntlet off and getting back up and turning to them.
"The only explanation I can think of is an alternate earth, like Mr Terrific said, there are multiple earths, and we could have just been sent to one." Dick said putting his index and thumb on his chin in thought.
"Or time travel." Jason added in.

"We can't be sure, so let's not make assumptions just yet. We should look around first." I said looking around for any sort of life.
"We can't." Damian said.
We all looked at him confused.
"And why is that?" Jason said looking down at Damian.
"TT, take one look at yourself, if this is an alternative earth like Grayson said, or we've just gone back in time like Todd mentioned, these uniforms will make the locals give us a few looks." Damian replied crossing his arms and looking away in a cocky sway.
Dick, Jason and I all looked down noticing that we were still wearing our uniforms and realising we can't just walk up to someone wearing this and asking them strange questions like "what year is it."
"We should stick to the shadows for now, look around and observe." I said crossing my arms.

"Well that's all well and dandy but what about clothes? we'll need them if we get hungry or thirsty." Jason asked crossing his arms as well and looking past me at the trees behind me.
"We should move, if you look a little past those trees you can see a few houses." Dick said pointing at the house roofs that were barely visible over the tree tops.
We all got our grappling guns out and shot them up to the wall to get out of sight.
As we shot up there we looked over the wall and saw green land for as far as the eye can see, tree's everywhere the land was completely untouched by human consumption.
"Wow this is something else." Dick said jaw dropped by the beauty of the scenery.
"Umm, I'm not one to judge the laws of the powers that be, but what the fuck is that?" Jason asked pointing at a silhouette in the distance and trying to make out what the hell he is looking at.
"Language Jason." Dick said trying to look at where Jason is pointing at.
"Sorry mom." Jason said rolling his eyes inside his hood.
I looked with Dick at where Jason was pointing, just making out what he was pointing at.
"Is that a man?" Dick asked
"It can't be, he for him to be that size from this far away he would atleast have to be 10 meters tall." I said trying to answer Dicks question. Damian took out his Bat-noculars and looked at the figure, for a few good seconds before saying "No, Grayson was correct, that is a man, although he is lacking clothing and his reproductive organs." Damian said still trying to fully analyse the humanoid figure.
"How is that possible, this literally goes against the laws of nature, the him missing a dick part not the clothes. All organisms need reproductive organs, it's just how a species continues to exist." I thought to myself.

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