Chapter 9.5

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Knock knock knock
"Mmmmm" I sounded groggily after being woken up.
"Y/N." I heard from outside.

"Oh god, who's this now." I said getting out of bed still half asleep, I flipped my  blanket off me and pulled my sock up, then got up took 3 steps before tripping over my jacket that I left in the floor the night before.
"Y/N, you alright in there?" I heard again, this time I could identify the voice, it was Mikasa.

"Yeah... I'm coming now." I said kicking my jacket to the side and getting back up.
"Y/N?" She called again
"Coming!" I yelled kicking the jacket off and too the side.
I walked over and opened the door.
"Hey." She said with a gleeful smile.
"Hey." I said pretty much still half asleep.
"Ha, uhmm, why do you only have one sock on?" She asked with a slight giggle.
"It's a fashion statement." I said shrugging and yawning.
"Mind if I come in?" She asked
"Sure, make yourself at home." I said closing the door behind her as she walked in.
"What a gentleman."

"So you have a dorm room alone?" She asked
"Yep, luckily, although I wouldn't mind sharing a room with Jason if the offer was there, sadly he's sharing a room with Conny and Reiner or Jean, I can't really remember.

Mikasa started rumbling around my closet looking for something.
"What's up?" I asked
"Where's the suit? She asked scrounging around past the last coat hanger.
"No idea what you're talking about Mikasa." I shrugged waking up slightly by how fast she was moving.
"Don't play dumb, I know it's here somewhere, probably hidden under a false floor." She said patting the bottom of the closet.
"Did you hit your head or something?"
Mikasa turned around to look at me with an unimpressed look.
"Do you really think I'd hide it somewhere like there? Think about the last place you'd look." I said folding my arms. Mikasa continued to look around for a while, while I picked up my jacket and folded it before putting it on my desk.
"What did you do with Nifa's jacket?" Mikasa asked still looking around for where I was hiding my suit.
"I thought.... You ... had it?" I said trying to sound like I didn't know where it was. Mikasa turned around with a slightly panicked look on her face.

I burst out laughing at the fact that she actually believed me. "Very funny Y/N." She said sounding unimpressed again.
"Yeah, haha, I thought so too. Here, it's behind that wall." I said going towards my other closet and moving a brown false wall. I had it folded against the wall so it would lean against both the false wall and the real wall. Mikasa grabbed it and started feeling the material. "What the hell is this thing made of?" She asked
" triple-weave Kevlar."
Mikasa looked at me and blinked twice as she was clueless as to what I just said.
"The tri-weave bodysuit consists of an outer and inner layer made from a titanium-dipped tri-weave fiber mesh" I explained.
"What's titanium?" She asked
"Ahhhh, don't worry, just very strong stuff ." I shrugged
"Strong enough to stop a bullet?" She asked
"Yeah but only one, if you shoot the same part twice, then no."
"Can it stop a blade?"
"Only my gloves can."
"Then why's it made out of such 'strong stuff'' if it can't really stop too much?"
"It's made to allow free movement as well as the ability to fly at high speeds, and so that it doesn't rip." I explained
"What happens if it does?"
"Well then everyone sees me and the whole point of being anonymous is ruined." I explained one last time.
"Huh, okay." She said with an impressed smile. She put the suit back and placed the false wall over it."

"Soo, what's up?" I asked
"What you mean?" She asked
"I mean it's five in the morning, and we only last saw each other like an hour or two ago."
"Yeahhhh well, the Sasha locked the dorm room and she sleeps like a log, meaning I'm not going in there until she wakes up." Mikasa explained
"So I figured I'd come by you and see what's going on, plus I need a place to sleep tonight." She continued ending with a slightly nervous grin.
"Well I suppose I can lay out a few news papers for you to sleep on, help me find them." I joked pretending to turn around and look for it.
"Not like that." She said punching my arm.
"Same arm." I said with a painful sound in my voice.
"Why did Sasha lock your room?" I asked
"She told us that before she joined the cadet corps, her town would always lock their doors to stop animals from coming into their houses and breaking everything or stealing all their food. I guess what she did tonight was just simple muscle memory." Mikasa explained before walking over to my bed and sitting on it.
"Do you need a change of clothes?" I offered since she was still in her uniform.
"Uh, yes please." She said only noticing now that she was still in her uniform. "Did she even get any sleep?" I wondered. I walked over and looked through my closet, I tossed her one of my oversized shirts, shorts and long socks from back home."
"Why do your socks have shapes on them? And why are they different colours?" She asked curiously but with a hint of amusement
"It's a fashion statement."
"And what's the statement? 'I know my shapes?'"
"It's a statement of fashion." I shrugged for and explanation.
"I mean I can take them back if you want, if they're just too ahead of the curb for you." I said
"I'll keep them." She said quickly.
She got up and walked towards the door.
"Don't look." She said seductively taking off her jacket slowly.
"Wouldn't dream of it." I said turning around.
"No fun." She said taking her clothes off to get changed.
"You sure you don't want a peek?" She asked seductively.
"I'm good." I said looking through my drawers for a lot of nothing.

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