Chapter 8: Rejoice

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Ame was sent through a lot of trees suffering a lot of damage.

Ame:*Pukes blood*Damn even though Sensei did that upgrade to my genes it still hurts like hell.

???:Young man I think you should stop talking and start DODGING

You might be thinking what happened..well let's go back a few minutes.

Douma:Y/N it's your turn-said while making the snow and ice disappear.

Y/N:Fucking finally-said while getting up.

Ame:So what are gonna do?-asked interested.

Y/N:First of all in order to make you stronger faster I'm going to do some little changes to your body.

Ame:What are you gonna do?.

Y/N:Oh nothing serious you know giving your body the capability to regenerate like the Life Fibers,a double Zenkai system and somebody inside of your head calling you "Young Man" 24/7.

Ame:Suddenly I don't like this anymore.

Y/N:You're going to be a Nahobino and you will like it!-said hitting him with a Thunderbolt which blinded everyone there.

Ame:What the fuck happened?.

Y/N:I merely unlocked the power of a God that resided within you along with giving you the abilities I mentioned earlier

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Y/N:I merely unlocked the power of a God that resided within you along with giving you the abilities I mentioned earlier.

Ame:Why did you make my hair longer?.

Y/N:Because that's one of the side effects of fusing with a God you may inherit some of said god's physical aspects, along with other things-said while cracking his fingers.

Ame:*Nervously Gulps*

Y/N:Let's see if the upgrades worked-said punching him right in the stomach sending him flying.

And that's why Ame feels like he's been through hell and back from just one punch.

Ame:You know Aogami, yelling dodge is more distracting than helping!.

Aogami:Whatever you say young man-said while crossing his legs.

Aogami:Whatever you say young man-said while crossing his legs

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