Chapter Three

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Marcel's POV

Sleepovers aren't really my thing, so I don't have a sleeping bag, so when I arrived at Annie's house, all I had was a bag of clothes. I texted her that I was outside, and shortly after, her mother opened the door.

"Oh, hi, um...Marcel, is it?"

I nodded "Hello Mrs. Duncan. I'm here to see-"

"Taylor-Ann? Well, she's in the bathtub now, but you can go up to her room"

She let me in and I showed myself to Annie's room, saying hi to Arianna on the way.

"Um, Marcel?"

I turned around


"What's in the bag?"

"Clothes. Your sister invites me to stay the night"

"She did wha-?"

She slammed the door to her room, startling me before I turned back around and kept walking to Annie's room.


While I waited for Annie to come out of the bathroom, I looked around her room. It was pretty big for a person with a sibling.I'm an only child and my room is 1/3 the size of this. I've been inside her room before, but never alone.

I walked toward her dresser, looking at her photos Taylor-Ann at a beauty pageant, Taylor-Ann turning 13. Taylor-Ann "graduation" from the 8th grade.

Wait. There was a boy in the graduation picture.

I was in that picture.

We were holding hands.

Annie also had a little sign pointing to it read 'Best Day Ever'.

What happened that day?

I moved on to other things on her dresser and spotted...

A diary.

I wandered over to it and peeped inside:

'Dear Journal,

Look, I know it says diary on the cover, but I'm gonna to write 'journal' got it?'

I smiled and flipped a couple months past

'Dear Journal,

Today I met this boy at school. His name is Marcel.'

I gasped

'He dropped his books and I helped him pick them up and when we looked up, our noses touched. Sarah'

Ugh, I hated Sarah

'Sarah says I shouldn't have done that, that entertaining a low-life is inhumane. I think she's wrong. Just because he's not as popular as we are didn't mean he's not human. Don't you agree?'

Yes, yes I do.

'And btw, Marcel is kinda cute. Don't tell Sarah.'

I smiled even wider, and skipped past.

'Dear Journal,

Why don't my friends like Marcel? I mean, I do. What's wrong with him? Nothing wrong with him. What's wrong with them?'

I skipped to an entry that took place a month ago.

'Dear Journal,

I nominated Marcel for Prom King. I know Arabella will be mad, but I don't care. My best friend deserves justice and I'm going to give it to him. But what if he's mad? Oh man I hope he won't be mad at me. If he is then I don't-'

"Find anything interesting?"

I turned around to see Annie's tiny dripping wet body, covered by a towel, and her medium length black mane stuck to her back, I was so turned on.

"Oh, hi Annie" I couldn't stop staring at her glistening wet body, despite my superior instincts.Giving in to my body's desires, wishing that she'd drop that towel.

"Hi Marcel, are you having fun?"

I blushed, but kept my eyes on her body.


"Oh, I'm not mad, just curious..."

She kept talking, but I stopped paying attention. Thinking of scenarios that could take place, only woman that towel coming off.

She clapped, and I snapped back to reality.

"Can you pay attention?"

"Oh, um, sorry." I blushed even Tedder "but you're making it hard to"

She looked confused

"How so?"

I looked her up and down

"You're standing there, in a towel, dripping wet"

She looked down at herself and laughed

"Oh THAT? Oh,I just like to air dry"


"Yeah, air dry"

This is the most I've ever been turned on, ever.

She laughed again

"So I turn you on?"

Oh chiz, I said that out loud.

"Yeah, you did"


My face was so hot, I swore I was going to explode.

"So I turn you on, Marcel?"

I swallowed and nodded

She contemplated this

"A lot?"

I nodded

She thought and said

"Then close your eyes"

I obeyed and heard something wet hit the for, and then a lot of movement before Taylor-Ann said

"You can open them now"

She stood before me dry-except her hair- and wearing a baby blue, very short, very thin, nightgown.

She had gotten dressed while I was in here. For a moment she was-

"Oh my God"

"What?" She says

"Were you just...nude?"

My Buddy Marcel part 2Where stories live. Discover now