Chapter Nine

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Taylor-Ann's POV

Its's like I literally feel the popularity slipping off of  me, but it's worth it, right? Protecting a low-life, that's gotta be worth some points.

Oh no.

I just called my best friend a low-life.


Fast-forward 1 week

I sat in homeroom doodling in my notebook when Marcel came walking in crying.

   "Marcel, what's the matter?"
He looked into my eyes, his face looked as if it were missing something. He opened his hands and I saw. His glasses were shattered, I mean completely totaled.
   "Who did that?"
He just sobbed, and I noticed a handprint on his cheek.

Who the fuck would dare to hit my best friend?
   "Who did that?" I asked again, as I stroked his face
Just then, Troy and Keith strolled in. I turned to them slowly.
   "Keith," I began "Did you do this?" And motioned to Marcel
I raised an eyebrow
   "Look, this time it wasn't me"
He shook his head
   "Then who...?"

Arabella came in without a word, but stopped when she noticed us staring at her
   "Arabella, you know who did this to Marcel?"
She shrugged "Not a clue"

I turned to him and whispered "Was it Arabella?"

He stole a glance at her face threatening, but then looked into my eyes and slowly nodded.

"Arabella, why do you have such a problem with Marcel?"
"All I did was accidentally step on his glasses"
"Yeah, and 'accidentally' slap his face?"
"Oh yeah, that too"
"What's the problem with glasses, they're not that bad"
"How do you know, you don't wear them"
"Actually actual" I put up my finger, getting the classes attention "I do"

The entire class gasped

   "I wear glasses. Haven't you ever wondered why everyone in my family wears glasses except for me?"

She considered this for a moment "You're only trying to protect him, if you wear glasses where are they?"

And without a word, I poked out my contacts, put them in their case and pulled out my glasses.

The class gasped again

   "Right here" and I put them on
   "Hm" Keith looked for a second, "not bad, you can actually rock them. Nope, not bad, not bad at all"
   "Not bad?! Not bad?! This is terrible!" She raved "He," she pointed at Marcel "is turning you into a-"
   "Into what Arabella? A 'low-life'? I'm starting to doubt the existence of such a thing" I said
   "Woah, woah, woah" Troy stepped in "Low-lives clearly exist. If not then what is Marceline?"
   "A person" I retorted
Try shook his head "Low-lives exist Taylor-Ann, but you are not one"
   "Taylor-Ann, I swear if you don't straighten up I'll-"
   "You'll do what Arabella, what?"

She caught herself and said "Stop running your prom queen campaign"
   "Go ahead, I don't need you. Campaign for yourself"
   "Then how are you going to win?"
   "Um, Taylor-Ann?"
I turned to the girl "Yes?"
   "I promise to vote for you if you wear your glasses to prom"
I turned to Arabella "that's how"

She turned beet red "you see, that thing" and motioned to Marcel "is driving us apart"

   "No Arabella," I said, shaking my head "YOU are" and I put some bass in my voice "and my best friend, is not a thing" looking her up and down with contempt

She sneered and wordlessly got up, and left the classroom.

My Buddy Marcel part 2Where stories live. Discover now