Please stay with me

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Your POV:

I... feel so numb... I can't feel my body... everything's blurry what happened... I can hear someone but who and...what are they saying?


It was Powder... I need to call her but I can't find my voice. I used the last of my engery to raise my hand and then I felt meak, boney arms wrapped around my body. "Stay with my Y/N please..." I felt tears drip on my already wet body and wimpers come from Powder's voice. My eyesight came back to me only a bit but I could see blood, and.... no... no NO! I saw Mylo, Clagger and Vander dead on the ground with other stangers stood around me and Powder. And with that I felt all control in my body lost to fatigue and hunger and weakness as I shut my eyes slowly struggling to stay awake... Please stay alive...


9 years later

Author's POV:

You were in your room working on a new design to give to Jinx when Silco suddenly burst into your room anger written all over his face. "Y/N would you PLEASE get Jinx she can't bloody hear me over her rachect music blasting". You sighed got up and climbed this pole Jinx attached to her room and yours. Once you got off you saw Jinx working on a new project with like always her music at full blast. Silco was behind you continuing to call Jinx. You sighed once again. "Jinx?" like always Jinx turned her head and beamed at the sight of you. N/N!!! she ran up to you and hugged you. "How's my new tattoo coming along can you just give me a hint-" "AHEM" Slico cleared his throat to get you and Jinx's attention "Oh hi Silco I didn't notice you there what's up?" Slico gave a low growl and a [you got to be kidding me] stare. "Right now that I finally have your attention I need you to go and deliver some cargo with a few others" "will Syliva be there?" "Yes-" "Then I'm ok" and with that Jinx turned back to start walking back to her desk. "Jinx c'mon Y/N will be there to-" "When are we going" Silco rolled his eyes at Jinx's liking to you. "You'll be going in about... 30 minutes so get your gear and head out" and with that Silco walked off. You turned back to get your gear when you felt a firm hand twist you around. "Can you at least give a hint to the design please" She made her puppy eyes with the sentence with made you heart beat faster. You kept you cool, rolled your eyes and walked off to get you gear while whines were heard in the backround. All you could do is giggle and walk away.

A hour later

you were with the rest of the team while Jinx was inside the ship guarding the cargo. The cargo man was stamping our approval to ship when you heard odd noises coming closer and closer and then the rest heard them too. and in a split second there were odd people with mask circling the ship. you took out your Kunai's and started throwing them at the attackers. You were always told that you had a great aim so Jinx's made these for you. You had gotton a few when suddendly you were hit with this odd thing that made crystles wrap around your body making you unable to move you started trying to break free but it was no use. the masked people started heading down to the cargo down in the ship while others took the ones upstairs while your team was cursing them off. You had almost lost hope when suddenly a crash was made and Jinx appered now fighting the men. You watched in awe at Jinx's amazing strength and sense. You looked at your team who were already breaking from the crystals. This made you feel pathectic. You were weaker than everyone of the whole of Silco's workers. That incident 9 years left your body weak and a huge stratch right across you back. So as you team broke free from the trap you were left there like a weak kitten. You just watched as Jinx's suddenly stopped and looked at one of the stange men's... wait that's a woman with oh god she thinks it's... But before you could finish that thought Jinx's just shot the girl with no sympathy. And with that the rest of the masked people retreated and Jinx just stood there... stunned. Sevika then came up to her and scolded her from leaving where she was put to guard. All Jinx did was scoff and walk over to your ashamed figure."Awh c'mon N/n don't look so ashamed, it just means I get to be your knight in shining armor" as she said that she gave you a wink "but it's just sad that everyone could break free and I was just left stuck here like some damsal in distress" "But N/n you do have an excuse but just because your not stong in power it doesn't mean you can't fight you can fight... In other ways" "Like?" "You have amazing aim and your super fast... OO OO and your super smart and you can jump REALLY far and high without much power so don't think you can't fight you are strong just in others ways" and with that she broke you out of the crystals's and helped you up "Thanks Jinx" she gave you a quick hug and went back to cleaning up some cargo. You walked over to the poor cargo man who was near passing out after being 1. trampled on 2. beaten up and 3. tramatized. You giggled at his shocked face and helped him to lean on the side of the ship. "w-who were t-t-those people". "I don't know but they won't hurt you again" the man then passed out and you stood up. "Let's move out then" Sevika instructed and with that you all fleed the scene so no one would see you all.

Back at the base (Idek what to call it lol)

While Jinx told Silco what happened you went back to your room and picked up your pencil and continued to draw Jinx's tattoo when you felt arms wrap around you."Can I talk you N/n..." You looked at Jinx she looked worried and upset. You swung around you chair, nodded you head and she sat on the ground and hugged her legs. "I keep thinking I see Vi... but it isn't her and my mind gets messed up and I loose focus and-" "woah calm down there... look I know you know you miss her in all honesty I miss her too she was a great friend and an amazing older sister to you. Y'know if you want we can maybe if your up to it maybe we could look for her" "what's the point she left me all those years ago... but I miss her" she then hugged your legs and cried. It was only you who got to see this side of her. You slid off you chair and Jinx's cried into you lap and you both sat in silence for a while. You started to redo her braids while time to time she would snuggle into you more. After a while she fell asleep. You picked her up and tucked her into your bed since you couldn't climb a pole while carrying her. You went back to you drawing but all you could think about was Jinx and her problem. She misses her... I need to find her.

Author's Note:

Ok UhM 1st thanks for reading this far and also I am SO SORRY for the amounts of dots at the start it was to add to the +~S A D N E S S~+ also here's the picture of the Kunai

Ok UhM 1st thanks for reading this far and also I am SO SORRY for the amounts of dots at the start it was to add to the +~S A D N E S S~+ also here's the picture of the Kunai

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Anyway you can skip this is you want BUT lemme just give u a summary of Your backstory

Vander took u in as well because your parents were taken by inforcers you were always close with Powder (Jinx) because of your ages. You were always good at art so you decided you wanted to do tattoo's and ya know Vi's mark on her face let's- let's say you gave it to her as your 1st time doing proper tattoo's

If you have any questions don't be afraid to comment and I'll answer to them anyway Bai~

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