Failed Reunion

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Author's Note:

Ok so a few people said that they wanted to see a yandere book and I will start it but it doesn't mean this book will come to a close it kinda just means when you finish reading this book you can read the other ig... idk but I'll try to make it good and I will tell you when the 1st Chapter is out also my school is closed tomorrow due to a red warning storm hitting my country tomorrow so I might start the yandere book tomorrow but yeah anyways enjoy!


Author's POV:

As the smoke started to run out all you could think about was the disapointment Jinx must be feeling. Once the smoke ran out she flopped down her hand and looked over to you and you could see how upset she was in her eyes. You got up snd walked over and pulled her into a hug when suddenly. "Powder...". You felt the weight of Jinx's head lift of your shoulder. You pulled away and stepped back and you watched Vi and Jinx look at eachother. You smiled as Vi ran up to Powder and pulled her into a hug. "Are you r-real" "yes yes it's me Powder and I'm not gonna leave you again" You started to walk away to give the two some time when you saw a dark blue haired girl running up the steps. It was girl you punched in the nose. You pulled out a Kunai and you heard Jinx pull out some sort of weapon. You stepped down the steps so you were behind her. "Who is she" Jinx called angerily" "wait Powder she's not gonna hurt us she's on our side"

Author Note:

So sorry to barge in but I forgot to put in the part about Sevika telling Jinx being back so let's pretend she did hehe... anyways back to the story!

Author's POV:

"There is no Powder it's only Jinx! Powder fell down a well! N/n knows right N/N!?" you were left stunned. Vi turned around to see you with a Kunai right up to Caitlyn's back. "N/n..." she must have not seen you sneek away. Vi walked over to you and hugged you. This wasn't a hug you wanted so you pulled away. "N/n" you couldn't say anything you just stood there stunned. You thought you wanted to see Vi after all these years but it just didn't feel right. "N/n come up to me please you look... wrong standing next to those two" she giggled (oOooOO yandere vibes anyone >_<) you pulled the Kunai away from the Caitlyn's back and normally walked over to Jinx which she put a protective arm around your shoulder's" "Powder what are you doing this isn't you!" "SHUT UP I'm thinking" ... "Do you hear that" you listened and heard noises coming from pipes on a wall next to where you four were standing

And in a split second people on hoverboards started flying out of the pipes. Both you and Jinx started fighting back. Jinx firing with her machine gun and you running and throwing your Kunai's. Vi started fighing as well. She looked over at you two fighting and was stunned.

Vi's POV:

These aren't the girls I use to know... God I wish I was there for them

Author's POV:

As you were fighting you saw Vi get knocked out cold. You killed off the last person trying to fight you and ran over to Vi. But the 1st mistake you made was you let your guard down. You kneeled down to pick her up and then everything went blank.

Jinx's POV:

I had just shot off some of the people when I saw Vi and N/n unconcious on the floor. "Shit N/N!!" but it was too late she was picked up and taken by the people. Tears threating to fall I started shooting but it was no use they were to far gone. I fell on my knees and started screaming in pain. "You lost her~" "she won't try come back~" "it was on purpose she got kipnapped~" "she hates you for not savinggg her~" "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!"


Author's POV:

You woke up with your hands tied to a wooden pole. You started trying to struggle but it was not use. You tried reachng for your Kunai to cut yourself free. "That'll be no use I took your Kunai's away from you" you looked up to see a male with white hair sitting across from you. "Who the hell are you!" "Awh you don't remember him upsetting he use to be one of your closest friends" You looked over to see Vi standing at the entrance to where I was tied up "was this your plan pretending like you cared about me and Jinx then getting your little slaves to kipnap me and make it look like you were taken too" you laughed at your own words. "Of course it is you never cared about me or Jinx you just wanted that stupid crystal" "You sure this is the right N/n she was much more sain 9 years ago" "yeah it is but i guess being with Silco doesn't mess up just one head". You stopped laughing as you analyzed the voice of the male a bit more clearer. "W-wait no way... Ekko?" "Ding ding what's up N/n". Tears welled up in your eyes as Ekko eyes also soften. "Right enough with the sappy stuff N/n I just have one question" Vi said butting into you and Ekko's reunion "why do you and Powder-" "she's prefers Jinx" "that's not my little sister that's a monster in her head but anyways why do you and Powder work for Silco" you took a deep breath as you sat back into the pole. "Well..."

+~ F L A S H B A C K~+

"Please N/n wake up" your eyes left like dumbells you were so tired. "P-powder..." "O-omg N/N!" you felt boney arms wrap around your frail body when pain shot right through your back. "Ow ow Powder my back!" "oh sorry sorry! you uhm well" "You have a massive stratch all along your back which was most likely cause by the support beam that scraped back your back when the buliding exploded" you quickly turned your head to see Silco leaning against a wall. "T-thank you.." "oh don't thank me thank Jinx for thinking you were still alive I would've just thought you were dead" you looked over at Powder who had her head down in embarssament. "T-thank you Powder" "I-it's Jinx..." "Why?" "I-I think it just fits me better..." "o-oh ok then..." "well Y/n now that your awake I'll give you two choices 1. you can leave and forget about me and Jinx or 2. you can stay with us and i'll take great care of you and Jinx".

Your POV:

N-no way this man killed Vander I can't join his side! I looked over at Pow- Jinx who had pleading eyes... she wanted me to stay. I took a shaky breath and slowly blinked considering my two options. "Ok i'll join you..." "Excellent now if your able to walk i'll talk you and Jinx on a little... tour of your new home" you slowly sat up and tried to walk. You could just about stand but it was a challenge to walk. Jinx ran over to you and wrapped your arm around her shoulders to hold you up. "T-thank Pow- Jinx" "no problem" and with that the two of you followed Silco to your new... home

+~ E N D  O F  F L A S H B A C K~+

Author's POV:

"So bascially you were put on the spot of choosing to stay away and most likely die or stay with Powder and stay alive" "I guess you could put it like that" "N/n I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you and Powder.." Vi then pulled you into another hug. This time it felt a bit more comforting so you embraced it. Then you felt the tightness around your wrist loosen. "So can I go?" "not yet just one more question". Ekko then took out the blue crystal. "Where did you get that" you sternly asked. "Well it wasn' suppose to be in Jinx's hand in the 1st place but that's not my question" Ekko then closed the capusal that it was in and looked directly into your e/c eyes. "You had no option with Silco but you do with me" "what are you saying?" "choice 1. go back to Silco where all you earn is hatered from others to you or 2. stay with me and help people live a better life." "I- don't make me make the choice" "No 3rd option N/n the choice is yours now and you loose nothing from both..."

Author's POV:

OOO another cliffhanger anyways a bit of personal news some kids in my school I overheard talking about Jinx x whatever fanfictions and this fanfiction came up in their convo xD but anyways


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