the first day

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That what we went through during the war against the Dark Triad was Difficult, I am now sitting in the room of the Knights of Magic Hospital, looking at the man I love while he is asleep. Anyone who sees him says that he is only asleep, but he has been this way for 30 days and 8 hours, So I decided, while I waiting for him to wake up to write my Diaries, and what happened to us, I'm Charlotte Roselei, captain of the  Blue Roses squad. 

The first day:-

The war against demon It ended hard before we could Defeating Lucifer, it's a good thing we finished him before he was completely out of the human world .
I didn't care about anything at that moment , I didn't care about anything happening or who's watching , I ran towards yami , but  his squad Vice captain came to him before me, I hate his shadow magic, He let him get before me but I didn't care
I rushed to Yami and helped him get you out of the coffin.

He was very tired, he opened his eyes with difficulty, and that silly smile on his face, I always hated this smile, but now I love it so much.
I grabbed his hand and pressed it to try to keep him awake.
I asked him to stay with me and not to leave me alone. He reply was a whisper, I barely heard what he said, "The Briars Queen is afraid of me, It must be the end of the world."
I laughed against my will and wiped A tear was in my eyes so that he would not see it, and I replied, "Imagine this, I am afraid for you and Do not dare to die now , or else I will follow you to the other world and strike you with my thorns until you return" .

Suddenly I felt his hand loosen in my fist, and when I looked at his face, his eyes were closed, as if he was sleeping peacefully.
I panicked and yelled his name but there was a hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down "He's still alive, this idiot is so stubborn he won't die easily"
I looked into Nacht eyes trying to find something to remove my fear and anxiety, but his gaze was empty From feelings as it was
I didn't know if he cared about you or if your life or death mattered to him.

but there's no time to be afraid now I have to save you, I swear  The sound of screaming drove me out of my thoughts, There were several voices calling Yami.
When I looked back, all of his band was panting and they were trying to support each other to stand.
They were exhausted from the fight and some of them had injuries that looked serious, but The look of fear that was on all of them as they shifted their gazes between me and their captain.

finally  the pink-haired girl swallowed and dared to ask the question that everyone was afraid of.
“Is the captain..”
“Now he is still alive” Nacht answer cut her question, but she continued to look at me to confirm his words, and I nodded at her.
There was a sigh that let out everyone who was holding it .

We should have taken Yami and William to a hospital quickly before it got worse, everyone had no mana to treat them here, they lost their energy and strength to treat, The user of the Spatial Magic  began started to open a space portal to the hospital to transport wounded .

And that's when I looked at William for the first time, not because I didn't care about him, but I was just so worried about Yami that I couldn't think of anyone else , William was surrounded by his squad members , he looked worse than Yami, he was moved too To a hospital .
then I thought how he would react when he found out that half of his squad members had died, it must have been so painful for him.
I tried to get the bad thoughts out of my mind, this is not the time, the worst is over, everything can be solved, right?!

After them, I entered through the space gate to a hospital, where we were received, and Yami and William were taken to rooms for their treatment

At that moment I didn't know the condition would be worse than I imagined

To be continued....

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