a week of pain

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The days have passed quickly and Yami and William condition is still the same , and they not woken up from the coma , I will not deny that I started to fear the situation, especially after Owen told me that their situation was unstable and getting worse , I was so afraid of the worst Is it after what we suffered from the war against the devil  they die and we lose them?!.

I tried to push the bad thoughts out of my mind, I didn't want my girls to feel upset and scared, I'm the captain after all and they depend on me .
I came back after spending some time with Yami and talking to him, he may not be awake but I have a feeling he can hear me, So I kept talking to him and telling him everything and I'm patiently waiting for him to come back .

I entered the headquarters and the stress was evident on me , The girls tried to invite me to dinner to try to change my mood I couldn't refuse,
I sat in their midst and heard their deferent conversations , and about Galgaria new boyfriend , And some jokes made by some girls, and the atmosphere of laughter and fun was between them , I tried to have fun, but I couldn't, my mind and heart were elsewhere I was so worried without knowing why .

I apologized to the girls and went to my room, I could sense their disappointment that they couldn't change their mood , But I smiled at them and told them that everything would be fine and there was no need to say.
I went into my room and threw myself on the bed without changing my clothes , I was tired I want to rest  for a bit and then going to shower and change my clothes ، but the wheel of my mind was still spinning ,I closed my eyes for a moment hoping to get some rest, but when I closed them
I saw the memories of that battle , and how Yami was lying on the ground while I held his hand , I will never forget that look in his eyes and that silly smile, I'll pay anything to see it again .

I heard a strong knock on the door and got up quickly and wiped a tear from the corner of my eye and went to open the door , Sol was panting, her face showing signs of horror , My heart sank when I saw her and that there was bad news.

She told me they had news from the hospital that one of the captains is in very bad condition , And he is dying. But they did not know Who is ، I could not process Sol words, I felt that my mind  and body froze from fear, until I felt sol hand on my shoulder shaking me, I didn't know at the time how
I ran and took my broom and flew to the hospital , my mind was foggy All
I could think about was Yami, my heart was shattered by an idea and
I panicked and clenched my fist on a broom, I got to the hospital and started walking towards the rooms.

  Yami and William rooms were close to each other , I felt like I was walking on hot coals, and that my feet were numb, and they were walking heavily. Part of me didn't want to get there But I am the captain of one of the magic knights squads ، I have to be strong in this situation , If my condition is bad, then what will be the condition of the magic knights members of that captain squad that is going to be?
I have to be strong to support them to survive no matter who is dying.
I approached the place and the door to one of the rooms was open and many people were  And I heard weeping and wailing , When I focused and looked at them, I could tell that they were members of the Golden Dawn squad I let out a sigh of relief and immediately regretted it, I still blame myself until now for it , I bit my lip and blood spurted out  ،

I controlled myself and walked towards them ,they open the way for me , and I entered the room, I couldn't find any suitable words to console them, they lost half of their squad before and now their captain , they must be broken .
I stood by William bed as Owen was trying to save him until the last moment and Mimosa helped him with her magic, and there was a bespectacled boy from his squad
I didn't remember his name by my side, and Yuno and patry were next to him on the bed , Yuno was holding his hand and asking him to hold on, but William grimoire began to disappear slowly.
I will never forget the look of sadness and terror that was on patry eyes And tears filled his cheek, He was devastated by the loss of his lifelong companion, watching him was painful and reminded me of myself that this would be me if I lost yami.

Suddenly William eyes opened and he wanted to talk, Patry asked him to relax and keep himself , But William smiled at them I will never forget his words that day and his farewell to his squad, it seems that he woke up just to give them the strength to continue “Why are you so sad? I have lived a long and good life, I may have made the wrong decisions, but I tried to make up for my mistakes, I don't know if what I did was enough or not, but I don't regret anything, Yuno pay attention to the rest of the squad, you will be a good captain for Golden Dawn and you will lead them to the top, and everyone will stand and support you , so that Golden Dawn remains the best squad in Clover,
I count on you all in this Live your best life , Take care of each other. Don't hide your feelings , There's no harm in crying at times , I'm going to take care of the rest of the members in the other world , And you Yuno take care of the rest of the squad here for me." William words were warm and he looked at me and gave me a smile and said goodbye to me and the rest of his squad members , Yuno was promising him that he He will take care of the squad members and he would not abandon them and his squad members were also chanting That they would stay the best, tears were running down their faces as they saw William grimoire completely disappear ,  Then Owen announced that they lost him , I walked out of the room before anyone saw my tears,
I could never bear goodbye or death .

I was devastated and completely lost in my mind ,  I attended William funeral the next day and I put on black clothes for mourning , It was a solemn funeral, attended by all.
I couldn't think of anything After the burial , I walked away I don't know where to go I was so broken What if something happened to Yami

I couldn't even tell him my love , Why was I afraid all these years and lost it from my life and stayed away from him?
Someone was calling me but I didn't know who it was , I didn't even care to know , I just walked away from the the crowd,  then I Noticed I am in front of Yami's room in the hospital
I don't know how my feet got me here I walked in there , Yami seemed to be sleeping peacefully on the bed ,
Tears started to fall from my eyes,
I closed the door and approached to him , I got up on the bed  and lay next to Yami and hugged him while I crying And tell him not to leave me And I want to stay with him until the last day of my life, so he must fight and come back for me .

To be continued

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