meltdown week 1

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The week following William death was very painful , I was suffering and my heart was breaking, a friend of ours had died, and we could do nothing for him , And we tried to stand by his squad members to hold out.
but what I think might be Yami will be next , Just thinking about it makes me want to collapse, But this is not the time to break down We have to find a solution, the life force is robbed of him little by little, No magic could cure him ,I won't deny that sometimes I'm starting to feel hopeless and that I'm going to lose him, but I stand up again and expel bad thoughts from my mind , I must hold on To be strong and find the solution to to cure him

If only I could use the spell that Charla used when she possessed on my body and brought back the life force of Yami's arm when it was damaged by demon fighting ,  Even though I could use both my blue and red flowers But so far there are some spells I can't use for my red flowers ,
I used to feel weak when I saw him lying on the bed without movement .

His body was looking weaker than before and sweat and fatigue started to appear constantly On his face and body as if he was fighting ,
I move his body daily on the bed so that his body would not get  rot as a result of his constant sleep without movement .
And his squad members were also making these moves during my absence, They were holding on to the return of their squad captain Like me, they don't want to lose hope .


One day I'm going back to the hospital to visit Yami , I heard a commotion and a quarrel coming from his room Then I ran to room frightened ,
in outside yami room There was apparently a person in the King's Guard uniform talking to Owen And it looks like the Black Bulls got into the fight.
“What is going on here?” I asked sternly, using all my strength to show my strength and authority as a captin .
"Captain Charlotte, you've come in the right moment,"  the blue-haired girl from Yami squad said while she crying.

I looked at the king guard who seemed to not care about anyone, not even me And he said in a haughty tone to Owen, "Do as the king commands you."
" does what!" I asked again But before he answered, I heard Asta loud voice, "We won't give up on our Captain" When I found out that it was about Yami , the blood flowed inside me and I told them to explain it
“The King has ordered Owen to stop treating the Captain of the Black Bulls because  It is useless , and the power of  The most powerful magician cure in a kingdom is wasted for nothing, there is no hope To cure him, and he will die soon like the captain of the Golden Dawn, so it is best to abandon him” the man said that without care , as if he was talking about an animal and not about a person, not any ordinary person, but a Captain who has defended Clover for years, I knew the King was unloving and insensitive but not like that !

I couldn't control my temper at the time or how to act , All I knew was that I grabbed that man shirt and pulled him so hard that I almost choked him,  And I threatened him, "Go back to the king and tell him that Owen will not stop treating him and that we will not abandon him, and if he wants to insist on this, he must face the noble and royal families, especially those to which the captain belongs."

I freed him, which made the man fall to the ground and look at me in terror as I pull out my thorns And he gets up and runs away from the hospital
I wasn't sure the rest of the captains would support me but this was the only solution to exclude them,
I sighed and looked at the black bulls members in front of Yami room , They had tears in their eyes,  sudden they all hugged me crying And they thank me for stepping in for Captain .
I was so happy to do something small to them ,  I looked at Owen hopefully  , so that he wouldn't listen to the king  words , But his sincere smile assured me that he wouldn't give up on Yami either , He is also an old friend to Yami .
I asked black bulls members to guard Yami room until I come back and not leave him Lonely .
And I left to meet the rest of the captains And find a solution with the king .

In the evening I came back exhausted. fuegoleon and Nozel took care of talking to the king and making him forget The whole thing or else he would face the wrath of two royal families, and they didn't want to lose  another friend.

I entered Yami room when Noelle and Asta suddenly jumped in my face They thought a stranger had broken in , I smiled at their sincerity and asked them to leave and that I would take care of yami
They left  hardly they don't want to leave their captain,  I looked at them leaving they were so cute to each other and their fights with each other reminded me of myself with Yami,
I wish Noelle was more daring than me and not Wasting her time in hiding her feeling .

After they left, I sat next to Yami and stroked his cheek , I was so tired I just wished this nightmare would end and he would wake up.

At some point in the night I fell asleep and I fell asleep next to him while
I held Yami hand.
In the morning I woke up and found a blanket on top of me, it seems that someone came while I was sleeping
When I looked around I realized that
I am not alone in Julius was sitting on one of the chairs, smiling at me , He was back to being an old man
Despite his smile, his eyes were filled with sadness , How can he not be sad He raised Yami and William and considered them his children .
Before I could say anything he spoke "Thank you for standing up for Yami, trust me I won't give up on him" he whispered ,  Then he looked me in the eye and said,
"He'll be fine, right?" Julius tone was frightened , As father watches his children die without being able to do anything , I got up and gently squeezed his hand.
"Of course he'll be fine, this idiot is too strong for something like that to kill him." , I might have said this to him to reassure him , But I also wanted to reassure myself
"Thank you Charlotte, please take good care of my child," Julius replied before getting up and Leaves .

To be continued....

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