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Once we stepped out of the TARDIS, we looked to be in some sort of stuffy spaceship, it was very hot in here. "Okay, so it's 200,000, it's a space station and try that gate over there," the Doctor instructed Rose. She wanted to sound all future-savvy. 

"Adam," Rose called him out. "Out you come." 

Adam stepped out, his jaw dropped. "Oh my God! Where are we?" 

"Judging by the architecture, I'd say we're in the year 200,000," Rose pretended to be an expert on the future. "If you listen...engines, we're on some sort of space station, they could turn the heating down, how about we try that gate over there?" 

Adam followed Rose while the Doctor and I laughed. We walked into a dark room overlooking the Earth and both Rose and I were awestruck. Adam looked as if he were going to faint. "Here we go," Rose announced. "This is....I'll let the Doctor take over." 

"The Fourth Great and Bountiful Human Empire. And there it is. Planet Earth at its height. Covered with mega-cities, five moons, population 96 billion. The hub of a galactic domain, stretching across a million planets, a million species, with mankind right in the middle," the Doctor described the scene. 

As I predicted, Adam collapsed. "Your boyfriend, your problem," I teased Rose. "Well, not anymore," she chuckled.


"Come on, Adam," the Doctor had his arm around his shoulders while Rose had her arm around mine. "You're going to like this fantastic period of history. The human race at its most intelligent, culture, art, politics. This era has got fine food, good manners..." 

"Out of the way." a man rudely shoved me aside to get past me. The place had sprung to life in seconds as food stalls were set up and people were rushing to queue. 

"Fine cuisine?" I scoffed. "My watch must be wrong," the Doctor frowned and checked it. "No, it's fine." 

"That's what you get for showing off," I poked fun at him. "Someone's not as good at history as he thinks." 

"Excuse you, my history's perfect!" 

"I'm not convinced," I snorted, making Rose laugh. "How come they're all human?" Adam asked us. "Where are the aliens?" 

"Good question, actually, that really is a good question," the Doctor mumbled before throwing his arm around Adam as if they were best friends. "Adam, me ol' mate, you must be starving." 

"I'm just a bit time sick," Adam muttered. "No, you just need a bit of grub," the Doctor said before turning to the chef. "Oi, mate, how much is a cronk burger?" 

"Two credits twenty, sweetheart, now join the queue," the chef pointed towards the back. "We need money, my specialty," I grinned. I whipped out my sonic probe and used it on the cash point and some metal strip came out. 

"Here we are, money!" I handed it to Adam. "How does it work?" he asked me. "How am I supposed to know?" I shrugged. "Go and find out, stop nagging Kat," the Doctor scolded him. I used my probe on the cash point to get more money. "Off you go," the Doctor teased Rose. "Your first date." 

"You're going to get a smack in a minute," Rose laughed. "Kat, you coming?" 

"Be there now," I grabbed another metal strip so I could get something to eat. 


I got a plater of cheesy chips...at least I think it was chips. Tasted like cheesy chips.

"Is it good?" Rose took a chip. "Hope so," I chuckled, helping myself. "What's your boyfriend doing?" 

"Calling home, I let him use my phone," Rose told me. "What's that you're drinking?" I took the cup out of her hand to have a sip and nearly gagged. "That is disgusting!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28 ⏰

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