Chapter 14: Breakfast

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Shocked Darci can't do anything but stare at Marc as he watches her, waiting for an answer. Slowly recovering she nods her head, slowly at first then gradually faster.

"Yes," Darci whispers then repeats louder, "Yes."

Throwing her arms around his neck she hugs him tightly before pulling back. Holding her hand Marc slips the ring on her finger then kisses her palm.

Hugging him again Darci whispers against his ear, sending shivers down his spine. "I love you, Marc." Softly leaving a kiss on his neck, she buries her head there and relaxes into his embrace.

Marc feels her relax against him and knows that he made the right decision in asking her now. Gently Marc picks her up bridal style and carries her up to what will now be their shares room; his old one.


Darci wakes up and looks over at the man sleeping beside her then down at the ring that now shines in the morning light. Looking closely Darci sees that it is a simple gold band with a large diamond set between two smaller diamonds. It is absolutely stunning.

Carefully rolling over so she doesn't wake Mare she slips out of bed and heads down to the kitchen. Pulling out ingredients, Darci starts to make French toast for breakfast.

Pulling the last piece out of the frying pan, Darci puts it on a plate and grabs a glass of milk. Balancing the plate of food, maple syrup and the glass of milk, Darci walks back upstairs to the bedroom.

Peaking through the door she sees that Marc is still asleep. Quietly she tiptoes into the room and sets everything down on the nightstand. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she leans over and softly kisses his forehead and rests her hand of his cheek. Leaning back she watches as he wakes up.

His eyes flutter open as he reaches his hand up to draw her face back to his. Marc can feel Darci smiling against his lips. Pulling back he looks at her questioningly. "Why do I smell food?" He asks.

"I made us breakfast. I remember when we were kids you always said that my French toast was the best you ever had."

Smiling up at her, he chuckles and sits up against the headboard. "I did say that, didn't I? Well, I hope it's still true." Leaning in he kisses her again then reaches past her for the plate and syrup. Taking the fork, Marc cuts up the toast into smaller pieces and spreads the syrup on it.

Darci watches as Marc closes the syrup container and sets it on the table and grabs the fork. Stabbing a piece he holds it out for Darci. "Do you not trust my cooking?" She asks, putting her hand over her heart, pretending to be hurt.

"Never." Not believing him, Darci gives him a look and he pops the piece into his mouth. "See, it's perfect." Closing his eyes he relishes the taste. "It's still true, she makes the best French toast." Stabbing another piece he holds it out for her again.

Leaning forward, she bites the fork and eats the piece held out for her. "Mm, I think these are the best ones I've ever made." she states as she chews. Finishing her bite she looks up and sees Marc watching her. "What? Do I have something in my face?" Wiping her face with her hand she looks away blushing.

Reaching over, Marc puts his fingers under her chin and turns her face towards him. "There's nothing there." he confesses, "I was just admiring my fiancé, wondering how in the world I am so lucky to have you in my life." Darci starts to protest but is cut off by Marc when he kisses her again.

Breaking away, Darci looks down at the plate. "We should finish those before they get cold."


Walking into the living room, Marc sees Darci sitting on the couch admiring her ring, again. Coming up beside her, he slides his arms around her waist and pulls her against his chest as he sits down. "Admiring it again are you?"

"I just can't get use to it, don't think I will ever get use to it." Hesitating she looks up at his face. Reaching up and gently running her fingertips over his cheek down to his chin she continues. "But I love it nonetheless and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Nothing could make me any happier." Stretching up she connects their lips in a soft, yet passionate kiss.

"Don't be so sure about that yet Darci." he whispers against her lips as he pulls back a little.

Gazing up into his eyes, she raises her eyebrows in an unspoken question. When he doesn't get the message she voices it. "What do you mean?"

"Let's just say it's going to be a surprise."

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