Chapter 16: Home

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Wiping her face with the edge of her shirt she gets up and puts the book back in the dresser then returns to the bed. Pulling the covers up over her face she buries her head in the pillow and lets out more tears until she can't anymore. Sniffling Darci rolls into her back and stares up at the ceiling, wishing that Marc was there with her.

Thinking she heard a door close downstairs, Darci jumps out of bed and rushed to the stairs. Darci looks down the stairs just in time to see Marc kicking off his shoes and shrugging off his jacket; his hair is plastered to his forehead by water. Rushing downstairs, Darci flings herself into his arms and holds him close, still sniffling.

Pushing her back from him he looks down at her face to see her tear stained, red-rimmed eyes looking up at him. Rubbing his thumb across her cheek he wipes away the last of the tears that lingered there. "What's wrong Darci?" He asks worriedly.

Shaking her head she starts to cry even more, a smile plastered on her gave. "Nothing," she assures, "I just missed you." Going on her tip toes she leads her head up and gently kisses him on the lips, resting her hands against his chest to stabilize herself.

Gently but firmly he wraps his arms around her waist, hands resting against her hips in her bare skin just above the boxers. After briefly kissing back, Marc pulls back and sets her down on her feet, looking at her questioningly. "Why are you wearing my clothes?"

"I couldn't sleep." Darci looks up innocently, batting her eyelashes at him.

Not satisfied with that answer, Marc gives her a look of make-belief. "That can't be all."

Sighing, she leans forward and buries her face in his chest. "It's embarrassing." She claims as if hat explains everything. Sensing that Marc still wanted more of an explanation she buries her head further into his shirt so he can't see her face. "I missed you." Then suddenly the words start flowing from her lips. "I wasn't sure when, it even if, you were coming home. I wasn't sure if you were hurt or captured or anything. I missed you so much I can't describe it. It felt like my heart was going to rip itself from my chest with worry and fear. I've had too many things disappear from my life and after what happened upstairs I understand how it's affected others. I don't ever want to go through that again."

Pausing to take a breath, Darci lifts her head again, the once dried tears now flowing harder and faster than before. "Please, please, don't leave me like that again. I need to know that you're okay."

Reaching his hand up to her face he rests his palm to her cheek and thumbs away her tears once again. Leaning down so his forehead rests against hers, he looks into her eyes. "I do understand Darci, more than anything. So, keeping that in mind, I will try to keep this promise; that I won't leave you like that again. The only thing that could keep me away from you now would be death."

Listening to his words brings a smile and half laugh out of Darci's mouth. Looking up through her lashes she can see his looking at her, waiting for a response. Unable to provide one, she tilts her head back to bring her lips back to his again.

Pulling away, Marc looks down at her quizzically. "What do you mean by 'after what happened upstairs'?"

Nervously looking away, Darci explains in a whisper. "Well, when I got these clothes out of the dresser I sort of found a book..." Trailing off she leaves the rest unspoken, knowing that Marc will be able to piece it together. Feeling fingers in her chin she allows them to pull her face back towards him. "I-I read it. I'm so sorry, I..."

"Darci, relax. It's fine. In fact, I'm actually glad that you found it. Otherwise you might not have believed me when I say this; I missed you too much when you were taken, tabs there was nothing that could have stopped me from getting you back."

Grabbing her hand and holding it in his he leads her upstairs to their bedroom. Letting go of her, he leaves her by the bed to go to the dresser and pulls out the book. Dropping into the bed, Marc pulls Darci down with him and settles her into his side, his arm going around her shoulders. Hanging her the book he waits for her to take it, but when she doesn't he lets it drop onto their legs.

"When you disappeared, I knew that something wasn't right, of course I didn't know what, I just knew. Everyone else thought I was crazy except for your brother, Derrick. He was the only one that believed me when I told the police that you were taken and didn't leave on your own. For weeks, months, I don't know how long, I held onto the belief that you were out there waiting for someone to help you and that I would be the one to do it. These past three years have just blended together into one unhappy mess; first I lost the woman I love, them saw my best friend's wedding cancelled, lost my job. I seemed to have lost everything important to me, all of the things that made me happy."

Pausing to gather his thoughts, Marc rubs his free hand over his face before picking up the book. Flipping to the last entry, Marc takes a minute to read the through it. When he finishes, he rests his head against the headboard. "This last entry, this was the day I found you, the reason for me continuing on."

Looking up at him through her own tears, Darci sees that his eyes are tearing too. reaching a hand up, she sets it against his cheek and wipes away his years as she turns his head towards her. "Thank you." She whispers against his lips as she brings his face down to hers.

"Anyway, back to a happier time. You seem to not have slept a lot, and I know I haven't slept at all." Getting off the covers, Marc changes into a pair of pajama pants and then pulls back all the sheets to crawl under behind Darci, holding her closely to his chest, he falls asleep almost immediately after her.

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