Chapter 5: Making New Friends

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"Nathan? Wake up!"

I slowly stirred from my deep sleep as I heard a voice call out to me. As I came to consciousness, I felt a little weight on my stomach as I opened my eyes, blinking them to get rid of any sleep dust as my face was met with Bluey's with a smile on her muzzle.

"Come on, Nathan! It's morning!" Bingo urged as she stood by my side. I stretched and slowly sat up on my sleeping bag, the shifting of my stomach causing Bluey to roll backwards onto the floor, making her laugh before she and Bingo ran off out of the bedroom to get some breakfast. Getting out of my sleeping bag, I reached for my clothes and put them back on. During the process, I heard Bandit call out to me.

"Nathan, do you want cereal or oatmeal?"

"Oh, oatmeal should be fine, Bandit!" I called out in response before putting my shirt on. I could still see faint stains of dirt on my clothes so I'd need to get them washed soon. I rolled up my sleeping bag and put it at the foot of Bluey's bed before heading downstairs into the kitchen.

After filling myself with a bowl of warm oatmeal whilst Bluey and Bingo had cereal, I sat in the TV room and turned on the set. To my surprise, none of the TV shows or channels I was familiar with like MTV were anywhere in sight. Not on the guide or anything. Instead, every show I changed to was a variety of different programs all of which showed nothing but two legged dogs. My channel surfing didn't stop until I came across one that was currently showcasing what I could only assume was a news report with the anchorman... or rather anchorwoman who was a husky in a grey cardigan facing the screen.

"And today's top story is quite the mystery here in Queensland as very recently, a wreckage of what appears to be a VLJ, or Very Light Jet plane deep in the forest near Lake Eacham was discovered. Witnesses believe that they saw an aircraft plummet from the sky and crash into the forest a few nights ago. As we speak, survivors that were on board this vessel have yet to be found and identified."

As the newscaster spoke, a photograph of the wrecked plane in question was shown in the background. Both wings were gone like they had been torn off the sides and the body was bent and crooked. On one side, there was a large gaping hole that showed nothing but darkness inside. That was then I remembered that dream I had yesterday. I began to mentally question whether or not if it really was a dream or if it was a memory I was experiencing. If that was the case, then... were those silhouettes my-

"Come on, Nathan!"

I was cut off from my train of thought at Bluey grabbed my wrist and tugged it, likely wanting me to follow her. I noticed that she had a backpack on her as I was given no chance to protest or ask why before I found myself being lead outside to the Heeler's car.

"Ah ah ah!" Bandit suddenly exclaimed before standing in front of Bluey, stopping her in her tracks. "You can't take Nathan to school, kid." Bandit said, shaking his head.

"Aww, why not?" Bluey asked, shrugging.

"Because I don't think your teacher will react well to seeing you or any of the other kids with a "human". Can't risk it." Bluey's father explained before going back into the house, calling out for Bingo.

"Bingo, we're going to be late, hurry up!"

"I am hurry up-ing!" I faintly heard Bingo reply from inside the house. I looked back down at Bluey who looked a little disappointed, as she stared at the ground before looking over at the car before perking up with an "Oooh!", implying that she had an idea before she lead me to the back of the car.

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