Chapter 6: Cousin Commotion

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"Nathaaaaan! Come on, son! Time to get up!"

I blinked awake as I heard the voice of my dad call from downstairs, stirring me from my sleep. I fluttered my eyelids to rid of the sleep dust before pushing myself out of bed. Normally, I would just try to ignore dad's call so I could get a few more minutes of beauty sleep but today was different.

Today was the day we were going on vacation. When my mom and dad announced that we were going on vacation a few weeks ago, they never specified where we were actually going, only telling me that it was a surprise. Maybe we were going to Japan. Always wanted to go there since I was a bit of a fan of Dragon Ball Z, which was rather evident since my bedroom had a few posters of the main character Goku in many different poses, not to mention having the box set of seasons one to nine.

Getting dressed and having my teeth brushed, I made my way downstairs with my suitcase that I had already packed the other night to find my parents already standing by the door with suitcases of their own, smiling as they saw me reach them.

"Just in time, Nathan! The cab came just as soon as we saw you!" Mom laughed as the three of us all walked out the door. I was an only child in the household, no brothers or sisters, so it would just be me, my mom and dad on vacation to wherever we were going.

It was maybe less than half an hour later when we arrived at the airport. As we went into the airstrip, I took one last look at my home town of Denver, Colorado almost as if saying "Goodbye" to the place before we all approached a jet plane. Unlike the many other stationary aircrafts however, this one was a lot smaller, looking like it could only carry maybe four to eight people. Wherever we were going must've been a place not many people would go to. Perhaps an island only my parents knew of?

Shrugging, I followed my parents into the small jet but as I was about to step in through the passenger door...

Everything around me went black.


I immediately blinked awake and shook my head a little to find myself back in Bluey and Bingo's room with me in my sleeping bag and the morning sun already risen. As I recognised my current surroundings, I thought back to what I had just experienced. It was there and then I finally remembered how I had come to this place that Bluey called home. What I had experienced wasn't just a dream. It was a memory flashback. The nightmare I had back in the Heeler's car was what had happened some time after leaving Denver on that plane. The cloudy figures on that flashback were no doubt my parents.

That was the only way this made sense. Me and my parents had gone somewhere on vacation and during the flight, something had happened to the plane to cause it to crash right into wherever this place was. Putting those two memories together told me two things, my name really was Nathan and I had come from Denver. There was still the lingering problem I had that filled me with worry.

Where were my parents?

As I was about to get up, my hand brushed against something as I looked down to my left to see a bowl of cereal with a spoon inside. Next to it was a slip of paper with some crude writing on it, luckily it was still readable as I looked closely at it and managed to make out what it was saying.

'Didn't want to wake you, so made you some cereal with Bingo. -Bluey'

Huh. That was quite nice of them to make me breakfast. I smiled a little at this before proceeding to eat my served breakfast. As soon as the bowl was empty, I sat up and got out of my sleeping bag, having decided to sleep with just my shirt off from now on, since I had noticed that practically none of Bluey's family nor any of the dogs I'd seen ever wore any bodily clothing so I decided to keep my pants on to avoid raising any awkward questions from Bluey or Bingo should they ever see me in my underwear.

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