I want to be close to you

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Red Velvet struggles to keep himself from laughing at the sight of Licorice struggling to hobble up the stairs. Licorice clutches the rail with white knuckles, struggling to breath and glaring at Red Velvet with his amber eyes.

"Well? Don't just- don't just stand there? Do- do you mind give me a ha- hand?" Licorice wheezes out indignantly. Red Velvet reaches out his hand, grasping at Licorice's and heaving him up onto the platform.

"This is the greatest area to view the oven, Licorice." Red Velvet says, making sure that Licorice is able to see the scenery. The crimson flames illuminate Licorice's face in a way that softens his sallow features, makes his yellow eyes seem all more warm.

"I still don't get why we needed to climb up all those damn stairs." Licorice grumbles slightly. He glances down at the oven and gasps at the view. The oven gleams silver, reflecting warm light that makes everything glow softly. The stained glass windows tint the whole place pink, which gives a quite romantic view. Red Velvet scolds himself, he cannot be thinking like that about his friend, no matter how much he wants to.

"Oh! I see it now, it does look amazing!" Licorice says. "How exactly did you find this?" He asks, and Red Velvet wants tell him that he spent a whole day searching for the best spot, but Chiffon had got to it first. He was surprised when he found it in the shadiest part of the factory, but he supposed it did make the light seem much more luminous.

Instead he settles on telling the partial truth. " I had to chase Chiffon up here, as he decided to be energetic that day." He smiles at that, Chiffon was truly a life saver. Licorice gasps, stepping closer to him.

"You have pointy teeth! How did I not notice that!" Licorice exclaims loudly. Red Velvet winces, and clamps his mouth shut with a snap. He knows how uncookie-like he is, and he hopes that he doesn't make Licorice uncomfortable.

"Apologies that you needed to see that." Red Velvet mumbles, resolving to speak with his mouth as shut as possible. At moments like these he wishes that it was just him and his cake hounds, so that he wouldn't to worry about how monstrous he was. He loved his cake hounds, yes, but he knew that he would always be scorned by cookies, by maybe even Licorice! Of course, he can't bear  the thought of a life without Licorice, so he quickly shelves the thought away.

He looks back at Licorice, who is looking at him with a confused expression painted on his face. "What? Why do you need to be sorry for that?" Licorice asks concerningly. Red Velvet opens his mouth to speak, but falters when he can't exactly find an answer for the question. He never had a problem with his cake features, he was proud of them in fact! He can't recall what caused him to change his mind.

For I am about to release you of your shame. I will reduce your to crumbs! A voice hisses in his head. The taint of the Darkness was even deeper than I feared. Another voice says. Had he let himself believe the veiled cookie's words. Did he truly think that he was 'tainted,' that his cake features had made him shameful in an incomprehensible way?

After a moment of stunned silence from Red, he decides to speak. "I believe I just had a lapse of judgement for quite the bit." Red Velvet says. He looks at his cake hands and nausea begins to climb at his throat. If he was embarrassed of his cake features, he feels as if, by extension, he was ashamed of his cake hounds as well!

"Huh? I don't get it." Licorice says,clearly baffled. He leans against Red Velvet's side, sending chills down his spine . "Is this about that St. Pastry Cookie you mentioned! "Either way your cake parts are awesome, and make you look very.." Licorice trails off, turning his face away from Red Velvet.

From the small grey sliver that Red can see under from under Licorice's dark hair, he notices warmth blooming on his face. Red Velvet's breath hitches, and he hesitates. If he is wrong about this, their friendship could crumble, but if he is correct, he could- He could get everything he has been wanting. Licorice glances shyly at Red Velvet in a way that makes him know that he is right.

Red Velvet reaches a hand out towards Licorice, who quietly grasps at it like a lifeline. Licorice is facing Red Velvet now, chartreuse eyes wide. "May I- is it acceptable if I-"

Red Velvet is cut off unexpectedly by the feeling of Licorice's lips hastily connecting with his own. Licorice cups his face with his grey hands gently, holding him as if he was holding the world. In response, Red pulls Licorice closer to him with his cake arm, greedily drinking in his  blushing face, how Licorice's long lashes seem to flutter shut.

It's better, kissing Licorice, then what he imagined. He relishes Licorice's coolness, which is a reprieve from the heat of the Oven. He knows that he would give Licorice anything that he wanted, and hopes that Licorice would do the same.

They break apart for a brief moment, the both of them smiling. Licorice is messy, his hair pushed back, and his face beautifully flushed but he still looks as handsome as ever. Red Velvet thinks that Licorice's grin is the brightest thing that he has ever seen.

They lean towards each other   to continue their kissing, the two cookies just as excited as the other, but then hear the loud creak of the door. They quickly pull apart, awkwardly stepping away.

"We should- we should talk about this later?" Licorice tries, nervously glancing away with those citrine eyes. Red Velvet nods, and takes a moment to compose himself, before calling out in the most ordinary voice he could muster.

"Who has entered?" He asks, words rolling off of his tongue with moderate ease. "I advise you leave, I have important matters to take care of." Red Velvet risks a glance over the iron railings and-

"Red Velvet Cookie? Is it really that difficult to recognize me?" Pomegranate hisses out. Licorice, who has backed himself against the wall, grimaces slightly. His face his lips (which had been pressed on his less than five minutes ago) are pressed tightly together.

"I will be down shortly, Pomegranate." Red Velvet does not know what to do. "I currently have some business to attend to." He says carefully, trying to himself time.

"I think I will just leave now, Red."  Licorice says, though he is still very flustered. "If she asks, you can that you were helping me with something." He pauses. "I suppose you were helping me with something, get it?" Licorice says, easing his eyebrows up and down in suggestive way.

Red Velvet's mind seems to stutter for a moment, before he voices his agreement. They both head downstairs, where Pomegranate is waiting, eyes narrowed in obvious distaste.

"What is Licorice doing here?" Pomegranate spits out. "Isn't he supposed to be working?" Her voice drips with malice, causing a twinge of annoyance in Red Velvet.

"Of course he is, he merely came for assistance in attaining something for a spell!" Red Velvet snaps. Pomegranate looks at him stone-faced and cold.

"There is no need to be so snippy. Licorice you are dismissed." She looks over to see Licorice practically tripping over his long robes to get towards the exit. "It is always Licorice who needs help." She mutters under her breath. She catches Red glaring knives into her and huffs, much like a disgruntled chicken. The thought reminds Red Velvet of Licorice, and he should recount that joke to him at a later time.

"Well? We have important matters to discuss." Pomegranate says, and Red Velvet has no choice but to follow. He does manage to take a quick glance at Licorice, and he decides to consider the day a success.

This one didn't turn out the best lol. I added more words i think but like i don't know if that's good or not. oh well i had fun and that's what matters. also don't worry pastry is going through her own crisis rn ^_^. Ugh i hate ohio why do i need to go there tmmr. have a good day/night. Also this got more views than i thought it would so i would like to say thanks for that. im going to sleep now.

Red Velvet x Licorice PG Connected One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now