Gotta, gotta, ask you Gotta, gotta, uh

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The blanket drapes loosely off of his shoulders, remaining just above the floor. His eyes are half-lidded, but he can see Pomegrante scurrying to her room clear as day. A red bundle is held securely in her arms.

He assumes that, again, she is bring more of Dark Enchantress's items for her shrine. Pomegranate has been taking more of her stuff as of late, so much so that Licorice's meager sleep is getting interrupted.

"Pomegranate, she really does have a shrine, doesn't she?" Red Velvet's voice is laced with disbelief. Licorice snickers. He told Red about Pomegrantes's literal shrine, but of course he needed to see for himself. His solution? A sleepover, specifically one where they would gossip behind people backs.

"She told me herself!" Licorice says, snickering as Red Velvet continues to gape in disbelief. An idea works its way into his brain. "We should go see it! Right now is a good time for that."

"I thought that we were going to wait for her to leave the castle?" Red Velvet says. They both have arranged a delicate plan earlier in the day. They would wait for Pomegranate to leave the castle, then would sneak into her room, perhaps bringing a painter to immortalize the moment Dark Enchantress cookie finds out.

"It'll just be a quick peak, promise." Licorice says. He was never the most patient cookie.

Red Velvet sighs in defeat. "Fine. Only because I love you." He admits, rolling his blue eyes. "That is absolutely the only reason, the shrine is of no interest to me." His mouth quirks upwards, and Licorice returns the smile tenfold.

"Do we have the time to change into more inconspicuous clothing? After all, I would rather we not get caught." Red Velvet gestures to his cake hound onesie, something soft and yellow, especially against the deep crimson of his dough. It's hood is over Red's head, giving him the illusion of dog ears. It's endearing, even if Red Velvet had to be bribed to wear it.

Licorice sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Of course not. Pajamas are a necessary part of a sleep over, Velvet." His own pajamas, some fleece two-set with various cats printed sporadically on the pants. His shirt, however, has a large cat on his upper torso. He's quite proud of it, since he's made it himself.

Pomegranate swings her door open, her robes practically sweeping the floor like a broom. She's muttering something under her breath. Licorice strains to listen on the quiet sentences, but ultimately does not want to get caught.

As soon as she is out of sight, Licorice hurries down the stairs, Red Velvet following in succession. "Where do you think the shrine will be?" Licorice asks, quietly as they rush for the door.

"The closet might be a good place to look?" Red Velvet replies slowly. "I don't know much about hiding shrines." He shrugs as he tries to open the door.

"That's good then, I'd get concerned if you told me you knew where to hide shrines." Licorice says as Red Velvet yanks on the door. It stays firmly shut, as if it's guarding something. He supposes that it does, now that he thinks about it.

The door shimmers pink-red under Red Velvet's striped claws. "She's used magic to lock the door." Licorice says. With a quick inspection, he notices the sheen is thin, which works in their favor.

"It won't be too hard to open." Licorice exclaims. With a quick flourish of his hand, the spell shatters and the door clicks.

"Do you think you can magic the lock on Dark Choco's stash of snacks?" Red Velvet asks, his pupils as wide as saucers. "Every week he brings a bag almost as big as I am tall into the kitchen."

"I found it, of course, but it's under some sort of magic, as I have yet to been able to unlock it." Red Velvet adds.

"Anything for you, especially if I get some candy out of it." Licorice says sweetly. It is the nicest thing he will ever say to another cookie.

Red Velvet x Licorice PG Connected One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now