5- Nothing Goes Right Anymore

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Greg's POV
I couldn't seem to fall asleep at all. It's 2am and Lainey hasn't called back. No text, nothing, should I be worried? No just go to sleep Greg, I bet she is fine. Something felt wrong, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Angie's POV
I put my earbuds in and turned on Black Ink by Onision. Just hearing his voice comforts me. I sobbed myself to sleep, wishing, just wishing, that everything is gonna be alright.
My alarm made me jolt out of my slumber. Today is the day, I go back to school.
Oh goody.
I sat on my phone for twenty minutes on Tumblr like every morning. Greg obviously couldn't sleep last night, considering he posted and replied to a lot of people at 4am.
"Angie, you up?" My mom called from downstairs.
"Yeah mom, I'm up." I yelled, rolling out of bed.
I didn't have time to take a shower this morning, I blame Tumblr. I've learned to just blame Tumblr, and everything will work out.
I decided on my favorite Slipknot shirt, matched with my black ripped skinny jeans, with my red and black converse. I hope the school said something to the kids or whatever so they don't mess with me, probably not. I put my Zelda beanie over my black hair and grabbed my Doctor Who backpack. I'm not ready, I feel like I'm missing something, oh yeah, that feeling of happiness, yeah that's missing. I just want, something to make me feel complete. I feel as though I'm drowning, and instead of helping me out of the water, people are pushing me down further.
I walked into first hour, expecting to be invisible like usual, but nope, not today. Everybody was giving me dirty looks, making me want to shrink and just go away. I sat in my seat in the back, like normal, but no, the teacher just had to say something.
"Ah, Angelina! It's been awhile since you've been here and I haven't heard anything! I only heard that you went on vacation! Why don't you stand up and tell the class what you did over break?" She said. Ugh this is why some teachers just need to burn in hell. I stood up, all eyes facing me, I saw Tony, a guy I've liked for awhile staring at me. Oh no, sit down Angelina, stop looking, speak, okay speak child.
"I umm did, stuff." Stuff? Really? I sat down quickly and hid my face with my sleeve. Today was going to be a long day.

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