8- Help

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First I want to say thank you to anyone reading this, I know the beginning of this story is pretty crappy, but it gets better. So stay tuned. Enjoy.
~ The Outcast

Angie's POV
The doctor was checking me, making sure I could go home.
I had broken my leg in the crash and got cut up pretty bad so Tony has been helping me get around and stuff. The first day he came, we raced in wheelchairs, it was great.
Ah, the memories. When he held my hand, and just everything he did for me.

Okay now I sound like some pedophile or something.

My phone was about to die and Tony was sleeping in the chair across the room. He hasn't left my side since he got here, I'm so grateful he hasn't.

I plan on seeing Greg before I leave, I have no idea what actually happened to him. No one will tell me anything or let me see anything, but the doctor informed me he only had to stay for one more week. I won't blame him if he goes home as soon as he leaves this hospital.
But I would miss him. A lot.
"Come on Angie, its time for you to get dressed so we can leave." Tone told me as I groaned in annoyance. Yes, I wanted to leave, but I just woke up from a nap, and I am to lazy to actually get up. And yes, I nicknamed Tony, Tone, don't judge me.

Tone held out my clothes and told me to go in the bathroom and change. I got up with the help of him and walked to the bathroom, I had a boot on my foot so it wasn't as difficult as before. I was about to close the door when Tony put his hand through and pushed it back open.
"Give it to me." He said with a serious tone in his voice. I knew what he was talking about, but how did he know I kept it in my backpack?
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"Angie, I know its in there," His eyes were starting to tear up, "please." I couldn't stand to see him like this so I gave in.
I bent over and opened the front pocket of my backpack, pulling out my blade. I haven't used it in awhile, but I guess he wanted to make sure. I put it in his hand, as I closed the door so I could get ready.
The only clothes I had were my old ones, so Tony brought me some of his. I told him not to go to my house because my mother was there and I didn't want him facing her.
We are at his house watching Star Wars and it was getting pretty late. I yawned and tried not to fall asleep, because one, I fricking love this movie. Two, I actually want to make it to the guest room upstairs.
Tone scooted closer to me and drooped his arm around me.
I never got to see Greg today, they told me he was in surgery and I should come back tomorrow.
My mom hasn't called nor give a single fück. I felt my eyes start to get really heavy, and then there was darkness.
Tony's POV
I looked down to see Angie's eyes closed. She looked so peaceful. I can't believe I have the most beautiful, most caring, most badašš girl laying on my shoulder sound asleep.
And I never told her I like her.
I'm stupid, but I really want to save it till it's the right moment. I shut off the tv and carefully picked up Angie bridal style and carried her up to the guest room. I set her down on her bed and kissed her forehead.
"Goodnight, Angelina."

I know this chapter sucks major ašš but oh well, we're getting somewhere.
I am going to be also co writing another onision fanfiction with @5SauceOnMyBurger so go follow her and yeah
- The Outcast

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