War of This Undead World: Prologue

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"Holy shit dude, The dominus wants to speak to us, the people, today!" "Bruce Harper himself? holy fuck.." word is getting around to the community of Nova Terra that Bruce wants to make a public annoucement. "Ladies and gentlemen, i present you the Dominus of Nova Terra, Bruce Harper" says Cason West, ex dominus, with pride. "Thank you, Cason. I brought you all together because we have been preparing ourselves for a year now on a war that needed to happen yesterday. Their will be blood for the loss of Bill and my wife, Isabella Harper. This is exactly why you were all trained through out the year with atleast an apprentice level of knowledge on how to defend your self in a fight thanks to my best friend, and John's wife, Sam. *The crowd claps for sam* So tomorrow, Elizah and Sam will be taking all of us out tomorrow to where they first met our enemy. Their was a man named Mel once. He had a god complex and i killed him for killing my father. Now we have a man named Malum who has a devil complex? It's a fucking joke and if i have too, I'll kill him too but i already promised Elizah that he is all hers. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, get some rest. We have a busy day tomorrow."

"Thanks, dad." "For what?" "For keeping your promise on Malum. I know it sounds fucked up that you promised your daughter a kill but just know, it means a lot." "I... I'm not proud of you killing anything, Elizah. I remember it like it was yesterday that you were playing with your favorite spider-man toy while eating cereal. I fucking hate the pure evil in this world. Malum and Mel? Tyler? There is no tomorrow with people like them in it. War is coming and it will not be easy on anyone but i promise you.. i promise you that it's for a better future.. and that everything i do is for your tomorrow, even if im not in it one day." "You are the strongest man i know. Gavin would be lucky to even come close to you. I can tell you get scared that one day, i'll become too far gone with all of the killing i've had to do but i promise you that i will be that same girl, enjoying cereal and the other simple things in life, no matter what happens in this war. I love you dad." says Elizah before hugging Bruce.

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