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"Come on! Come on. We are almost to our seats!" Sarah squealed as she dragged the normally elegant goblin king. However, instead of his normal scowl, now he watched the young Fae girl with mild amusement.

"Calm down, before you fall over the edge." Jareth instructed as he placed a hand upon her shoulder to push her away from the railing. The Goblin King peered at the mortals with disinterest, why anyone would want to crowd together and watch people on broomsticks was beyond him, but it made his Sarah happy. He supposed it may prove to be interesting if one of the mortals fell from a broom, but other than that he could find little to hold his attention.

Mortals were easily amused, he was almost envious, but then he would not have his delightful distraction. If one thing could be certain about the young Fae, there was never a dull moment where she was concerned. Though at times he would have rather the moments be a little less...life threatening.

When at last they reached the very top box Sarah began bouncing on the heels of her feet in excitement.

"I can't believe these seats! How did you get these tickets?" Sarah questioned as her eyes searched through the field below.

 "I am a powerful Fae King, Sarah. Very little is impossible to me." Jareth whispered in her ear before adding. "I have another surprise for you." Before the Weaslys along with Harry and Hermione entered the box.

"Hello lot." Sarah called cheerfully from her seat as a grin split across her face. Since her return to the Underground, she had not had any form of contact with her mortal friends.

"Oi! Look here Fred. Our sweet little Sarah would seem to have stolen tickets from the Ministry." George said as he quickly hugged her and then set off to cause some mischief. Fred, however, hugged her and, with one arm, picked her up and swung her around, away from her "guardian" and into the large group of red heads.

For a brief moment Jareth was worried that the group would devour her.

But his worries were soon put to rest and instead a fear of her being suffocated by embraces took its place.

"Sarah! It's splendid to see you again." Jenny said and the others quickly called hello and began telling stories all at once.

 "...and his half wit cousin actually ate it! Of course we didn't see that and dad has a good deal to say when mum let him get a word in." Fred said as he finished his story of how they had got Harry to their house.

"This is our brother Charlie and our other brother Bill." George stated as he introduced the two with a toss of his hand.

 "Pleasure." Sarah said with a wide smile as she shook the two red haired boys hands. Like the rest of the family, the two boys possessed red hair and a mischievous nature that could be seen in their eyes.

"'A display from the team mascots will precede the match.'" Hermione read off of the program as the group finally settled into their seats.

 "Oh that is always worth watching. National teams bring creatures from their native land, you know, to put on a bit of a show." Over the next half hour the box filled, but Sarah was far to excited to pay attention to them.

That is, until she heard a voice sneer "Good lord, Arthur, what did you have to sell to get these seats in the Top Box? Surely your house wouldn't have fetched this much?" Sarah turned around so fast she almost fell.

 "And surely you should get a hair cut before goblins make a home in it." Sarah snapped and beside her Jareth hid his face in his hand in an attempt to hide his laughter. For once, a Malfoy was stricken speechless and the minister (who had not heard anything) began to speak once more.

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