The Unforgivable Curses

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A/N: When I started the last chapter I had about 14 views on thisstory and then after I pulished the chapter I was up to 37! I know it's not a lot but it made me very happy. But that could aso be due to the fact that it's 3:01 in the morning but hey this is my last day of freedom! I SHALL STAY UP UNTIL MORNING LIGHT WRITING!!!!!!! I won't reach my goal of getting this story done before break is done which saddens me but if all does go well I should have it completed soon and started on the next one. Also I want to get at least three more chapters done before I go to sleep so if your notifications are blowing up and I am annoying you I am sorry. But the muse is on the loose. :D

Sarah sat in the DADA class and could almost feel the excitment in the air. Word had spread quickly about just what kind of teacher Moody was. Most thought he was "super cool" and Sarah would agree, but something about him seemed off. She had met Moody on more than one ocassion and at almost every meeting he asked her what she was.

And at every meeting she denied having known him before.

Yet this time around he did not say anything to her. Which unsettled her just a little, but then again he was a little off his rocker maybe he had just finally forgotten about her.

"...I'm staying just for the one year. Special favor to Dumbledore...One year and than back to my quiet retirement. So-straight into it. Curses. They come in many strengths and forms. Now, according to the ministry I'm supposed to teach you countercurses and leave it at that. I'm not supposed to show you what's illegal Dark curses look like until you're in the sixth year. You're not supposed to be old enough to deal with it till then. But Professor Dumbledore's got a higher opinion of your nerves, he reckons you can cope...So do any of you know which curses are most heavily punished by wizarding law?"

Sarah clentched her jaw together to keep from speaking. She did not want to stick out in this class. Something was warning her to blend into the background, to become a part of the crowd, and it was the same instinct that had gotten her through the Labyrinth in one piece. It was not something she was to ignore.

She listened as Moody spoke about the curses and showed them using a spider as his subject. Sarah wanted to say something, speak up against creature cruelty, but the instinct screamed at her to stay silent. The class had just begun and already she felt ill, as if she would be sick. For every curse done, Sarah flashed back to Riddle preforming them on his victims and on her. He had at one time tried to get information about the Underground from her.

Sarah laid in a pool of her own blood, she had not wanted to fight back against him, he had been her friend, and even if she wanted to, she was in a cell made of iron. While iron did not bother the older Fae, she was too weak to keep her eyes open. Sarah wanted to scream, to call out for help, but her body could not summon the energy too.

"I will ask you one last time: where is the entrance to the Underground?" Riddle demanded as he trained his wand upon her once more and Sarah braced herself for the pain that would soon follow. How long had she been here? Sarah could no longer remember, but she could remember why she had come. Sarah had not believed the tales of what Riddle had done, she came to find the truth, and now she faced it.

Sarah had hoped that, if the rumors were true, she could reason with him, but he was far too gone for reason or logic. She had nothing she could say, or do, to convince him to stop this madness. The being she had befriended was no more-no, that was incorrect. The person she had befriended had never been, this was what he truly was. Evil. She had no other word for it. He would kill her and she had no way to stop him, but at least Jareth would be safe and she would be able to see her family once again. She had missed them so much...

It was at this point that Sarah realized the pain she had expected had not come, instead the room was silent. Sarah wondered if she had passed out again, but soon realized that someone had placed a hand upon her forehead, she knew the touch.

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