The Return of Nightmares

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Walking down the long corridor, the walls suddenly get closer and closer until she could no longer move and am stuck in between the walls. In her ears HIS mocking laughter rang, loud and clear. Finally she broke out from the wall, only to practically run into the Goblin King himself. Backing away quickly she found herself surrounded by goblins.

Not the childish ones from the last time she had run the labyrinth. No, these are creatures of nightmares, reaching out for her, grabbing her. Their King simply stood off to the side rolling a peach, back and forth, over his hands.

Smirking the Goblin King stopped the peach and then took an overly large bite out of it. With another smirk the ground opened up beneath her feet and the goblin hands are replaced by the 'helping' hands. The hands grabbed her roughly and then passed her down without a word. As she fell into the oubliette she landed in someone's arms; instead of the rocky ground.

Light filled the small cavern and Sarah found herself in the arms of the Goblin King himself. He ducked his head as if to kiss her, but instead of kissing her his lips stay just centimeters away.

"Sweet dreams love." He whispered before the room, and the Goblin King, disappeared.

However, Sarah's bedroom and worried room mates peered down at where she laid.

"Sarah are you alright?" Hermione questioned as she looked at the frightened girl.

"Fine." She choked out in barely a whisper.

 "I could make you another sleep potion..." She offered but Sarah shook her head no.

"Professor Snape already has tried, but they do not help." She said softly before apologizing once more for waking everyone...again.

"Sarah if you need to talk about anything we are always here." Hermione said as the others settle back into bed and only she remained by Sarah's side.

"I will be fine." Just what she needed, her roomies thinking she was crazy. Or at least crazier.

"I'll be fine. Go back to bed." Sarah ordered her and for this once she complied. Knowing that there would be no more sleep for her that night, she pulled on jeans and an Ohio State hoodie, then silently left the room. Pulling out her iPod and buds she walked down into the entrance hall. Putting her Beethoven on shuffle Sarah stretched her legs before getting into first position. As the music blared through her ear buds she closed her eyes and allowed her body to move with the music that crashed over her like a wave. She followed the wave out to sea where the tide claimed her and took her away from her fears, away from her pain.

As always when she danced, there was just the music and her. It was as if the outside world simply faded away and no longer existed. Pushing off of her right leg she shifted her weight onto it and then turned. To come face to face with Hermione.

"Shit Mione don't sneak up on me like that." She gasped as placed her hand over her heart in attempt to slow it down.

"Sorry, that was pretty. Your dancing." She explained as she saw Sarah's confused look.

 "Oh thanks. My father made me take lessons as a girl and I quite enjoyed them. Though I wasn't expecting to." She added the last part under her breath and winced as her thoughts once more turned to HIM.

"But what if Filch catches you?" She questioned quietly and then looked around as if afraid that, by speaking his name, the foul man would appear and catch them.

"Filch and I have an...understanding of sorts. I help him polish the trophy room every other Monday and he let's me roam the halls." Sarah explained as she turned off her iPod.

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