I was tagged by one of my BWFs (best Wattpad friend), AngelinaM_Ku, who is probably reading this. So I'm going to try to put this in German too, for her sake (she's German). We'll see how this goes. Google Translate, you better help me out.
1. Question: Lieblingsbuch (auberhalb Wattpad)
Favorite Book? (not on Wattpad)
1. Answer: Hard. I have a lot. There's Shadow and Bone, The Daughter of The Deep, Divergent, Carve The Mark, Out of My Mind, and The Secret Language of Sisters. They're all really good!
Schwer. Ich habe viel. Es gibt Shadow and Bone, The Daughter of The Deep, Divergent, Carve The Mark, Out of My Mind, und The Secret Language of Sisters. Sie sind alle richting gut!
2. Question: Liebingssanger oder Band?
Favorite singer or band?
2. Answer: Hard, but imma go with Shawna Edwards or Sabrina Carpenter
Schwer, aber ich gehe mit Shawna Edwards or Sabrina Carpenter
3. Question: Bester Wattpad Autor?
Best Wattpad Author?
3. Answer: Ooh that's hard. __JAG__ is really good. I like her and I like her representation.
Ooh, das ist schwer. __JAG__ ist wirklich gut. Ich mag sie und ick mag ihre Darstellung.
4. Question: Letztes gehortes Lied?
Last Heard Song?
4. Answer: One More Light by Linkin Park
One More Light von Linkin Park
5. Denke dur eine Frage aus and beanworte diese.
Think out a question and answer those.
5. Answer: What is your favorite color?
Was ist deine Leiblingsfarbe?
6. Denke Buch liest du gerade?
What book are you reading right now?
6. Answer: Wattpad or regular? I'll give both. Wattpad: Shoot An Arrow Through His Heart by ninjagirlmai and Crash and Burn by hizzycg. Regular: The Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis.
Wattpad oder normal? Ich gebe beides. Wattpad: Shoot An Arrow Through His Heart von ninjagirlmai und Crash and Burn von hizzycg. Regular: Die Chroniken von Narnia von C. S. Lewis.
7. Question: Genre? (Bucher and Musik)
Genre? (Books and Music)
7. Answer: Books? Fantasy and contemporary. Music? Pop and classical.
Bucher? Fantasie and Zeitgenossisich. Musik? Pop.
8. Wattpad bester Freund?
Wattpad best friend?
8. Answer: Well, all in all, one of my closest friends in real life is on here, percabethlover505. Otherwise, I'd have to say, AngelinaM_Ku the one who tagged me, Broken-Phoenix, KaylanBooksWormsRead, or mrsgalehawthorne23. But I love everyone!
Alles in allem ist einer meiner besten Freunde im echten Lieben hier, percabethlover505. Ansonsten musste ick sagen AngelinaM_Ku, die mich getaggt hat, Broken-Phoenix, oder mrsgalehawthorne23. Aber ick liebe alle!
9. Question: Bester fikinaler Charakter?
Favorite Fictional character?
9. Answer: Cyra Noavek and Alex Fierro
Cyra Noavek und Alex Fierro
10. Question: lings Beschaftigung im Dezember?
Favorite occupation in December?
10. Answer: Uh-I don't have a job. But if it's like favorite part of December, Christmas of course! And family. Especially cousins. Those are fun.
Ah-ich habe keinen job. Aber wenn es wie der Lieblingsteil des Dezembers ist, naturalich Weihnachten! Und Familie. Vor allem Cousings. Die machen SpaB.
11. Question: Ein Zitat das gerade in einem Kopf herumscrirrt
A quote that's just floating around in your head
11. Answer: "Soft hearts make the world worth living in." -Cyra Noavek, Carve The Mark or "Beauty happens the moment you decide to be yourself." -Piper McLean.
"Weiche Herzen machen die Welt lebenswert." -Cyra Noavek, Carve The Mark oder "Beauty passiert in dem Moment, in dem Sie sich entscheiden, Sie selbst zu sien." -Piper McLean, The Heroes of Olympus
12. Taggt 15 weitere Leute.
Tag 15 more people.
12. Um-maybe a little less...
Ähm-vielleicht ein bisschen weniger...
AngelinaM_Ku, UnifyingLegends, SabrinaChariotDeNord, mrsgalehawthorne23, Seven_Famous_Barber, DragonGirl-1D, JayTheBookworm3
Someone (me) underestimated how long it would take/how hard it would be to translate everything from English to German. (Thanks Google Translate!)