Namjoon - Confessing your feelings on voicemail while drunk

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You called Namjoon, told him you're drunk and confessed your feelings for him but he didn't pick up.

After seeing a missed call from you, Namjoon quickly types in his voicemail password and holds his phone to his ear. His eyebrows immediately raise at your slurred words. "Nammmjooonn... I'm drunk... but I like you a lot a lot a lot... that's a secret though but but I can't keep it a secret anymore. Like more than a friends way, Namjoon... love you... anyways byeee.", and the recording ends with you chuckling. You're much more honest when you're drunk, and you don't remember your brutal honesty when you're hammered like you are right now.

You're laying on your couch alone, staring up at the ceiling trying to ease the headache that you got from the alcohol. Your phone continuously buzzes, you ignore it.
It was only 15 minutes until you heard a knock at the door, "Come innn." you groan, and in comes Namjoon.
"Namjoon? Why are you here?" You ask. His expression drops. "You.. called me. Told me that you're drunk and.." he says then looks at the floor, "..some other stuff. Not important." he sighs.
"Oh." you say then start laughing hysterically, "I guess I forgot I called".

"Y/N, what did I tell you about drinking alone? You gave me a scare when you didn't answer my texts." Namjoon says, helping you sit up. "I'm sorry." you pout, giving puppy dog eyes; you're completely out of it. He stares back at you then lets out a sigh, "It's fine. I brought you some water bottles." he says then drags out a case of water bottles from behind your couch, "You can hydrate in portions. I did research and they said it's best to have 3 bottles every hour--." Before Namjoon can finish his sentence you slump into his arms.

You still think that Namjoon doesn't know your feelings for him, and you have no clue that he feels the same way. "Can you stay the night?" you whine, snuggling yourself into his lap on the couch. Namjoon starts rubbing your back, "Anything you need. I'm here." he says. He smiles as he watches you fall asleep in his arms, the only place he wants to be.

Namjoon strokes your hair as you snooze in his lap,
lightly smiling down at you. His expression fades as he remembers how he felt when he first heard your voicemail. He takes a deep breath, finally able to breathe now that you're here in his lap. "You gave me a scare, y/n." He whispers to your sleeping self. He could hear the delusional drunkness in your voice and his heart had never dropped so quickly. He immediately grabbed his keys, bought you a case of water then went to your house. He smiles lightly again, "But you're okay now. You're safe." he whispers.

He continues to pet your hair as he stares down at you, admiring your features. What a work of art, he thinks to himself. Despite your insecurities and self-deprication, Namjoon has always thought you should model. He never suggested it since he knows how harmful the industry is, you would brush off the thought anyways.

After an hour of you resting in Namjoon's lap and him refusing to move and wake you up, he gives in and falls asleep as well.

A few hours later you wake up with a pounding hangover headache, slowly lifting your head in confusion from what looks like a man's crotch. Your eyes immediately widen. Shit. Did I hook-up with someone? you think to yourself. All you remember from last night is drinking yourself silly; nothing afterwards.

You sit up and rub your eyes before realizing the man is Namjoon. You smile. I guess I called him. You grin at his cutely pouting lips, he's still asleep. "Wakey wakey, sleepyhead." you gently pinch his cheek, "Don't you have work in a couple hours?" you say as you watch him slowly wake up.

Coming to his senses, Namjoon wakes up and remembers what you had drunkenly confessed over the phone. "Y/N I like you. In a more than friends way." Namjoon says, surprising you.
You tilt your head, "Did I tell you something last night?.." you begin, a sheepish grin on your face.
"Nope." Namjoon fibs, not wanting to embarrass you. "I just needed to tell you, I like you." he says, knowing you feel the same way.
A wide smile splays across your lips, "I like you too, Namjoon.".

He gently grabs your face, pulling you in to plant a kiss on your lips. Your soft lips interlock, then he pulls away with a smug grin. "You're right. I do have work to go to soon."
Namjoon smiles as he gets up from the couch to leave your apartment. Just before he's too far, you take his wrist and he looks back at you.
"What if you were just a teensy bit late to work?" you ask, looking up at him and smiling.
"If I lose my job, how will I have money to spoil you?" he asks and you let go of his wrist. "Fiiine. Go." you huff lightheartedly.
"I'll be back later, darling." he says.

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