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DIRECTOR:boys you know that this type of things is not acceptable
JACK: yes we know we're really sorry it won't happen again
DIRECTOR:it's fine jack but if it does happen again you guys will be retired from hockey
TREVOR:yeah it won't happen again i promise
DIRECTOR: ok boys everything is fine you can go
JACK:goodbye mr hollister

*still in trevor's pov*
TREVOR:jack i'm sorry okay i didn't mean to hurt you
JACK: hurt me? what the fuck are you talking about, you didn't hurt me you hurt koraly's feeling
TREVOR:i'm just scared
JACK: scared?
TREVOR :i'm scared of love, i'm scared of having my heart break. i trust ko so much and i love her with my whole heart it's just new for me
JACK: i understand but i know she won't break your heart, she loves you too much to do that
TREVOR: thanks jack i'm really sorry for everything
JACK: i don't want to hear that but koraly sure do, go see her right now
TREVOR: i love men
JACK: shut up and go
TREVOR: okay thanks

i'm running and i see her, she's so beautiful damn. I really think i found the one

TREVOR: hey..
KORALY: hey trevor..
TREVOR: i'm so sorry ko, i really am, for everything i did. Since the beginning all i do is hurt you and i'm so so so sorry, you deserve better. I could do everything for you ko because i love you so much, in the last 2 weeks i really fell, fell so hard for you god damn. It's just so weird for me, loving someone is new and i want to take my time with you. I love you koraly turcotte
KORALY: i love you more trevor zegras

i kiss her, it feels so good to be with her, to touch her, i'm in love with this kid.

A/N: hey guys i'm sorry it's been a while since i haven't updated but it's just a short story i'll probably upload a new chapter tonight or tomorrow, i will try to do an Christmas advent calendar and post every day a new chapter

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