Go to hell

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Who? : C!Wilbur x (they/them) reader

Type : Angst

Word count : 1,219

Song : Go to hell - Clinton Kane

I'm proud of you!! <3


it's hurting in my chest to breathe

You were sat at the table chatting with all of your friends - Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, Niki, Jack, Phil, Techno and Wilbur. You had all gotten together for a party to celebrate Tommy's birthday. It was a small party, only with close friends as Tommy had requested. You excused yourself as you walked to the restroom. You were washing your hands when you got a text message. You dried your hands to see who it was from. It was an anonymous number. curiously, you opened it.

"Hey! I hope I have the right number if I haven't this is really awkward. Anyway, if this did reach the right number, y/n, I'm so sorry. I was told your boyfriend was Wilbur and this happened the other night at the party he went to. I just wanted to let you know! Take care!"

Along with the message, there was a photo. You let out a gasp as you saw what they were talking about. You could see, fairly clearly, Wilbur with another girl who you knew - Sally. Sally was his best friend; you had never liked how close the pair were but respected the fact that they were best friends and trusted him enough. Now, you regret trusting him at all. In the picture, was the two of them, holding each other closely and kissing. Your heart dropped immediately and you felt your knees turn to jelly.

A knock on the door brought you out of the trance. "Y/n? You alright mate?" Phil asked as you gulped, unlocking the door and putting a fake smile on. "I'm okay, I just got caught up in my thoughts." you assured as you rapidly blinked back the tears. He didn't believe it, but understood that whatever it was, you didn't want to talk about it now so he left the conversation there.

my head is so fucked from what you did

I'm getting drunk

The younger people had gone to bed when someone decided it was a good time to bring out the alcohol. You weren't normally a drinker however this n=evening, you decided it was an exception as it'll 'get rid of the pain'. "Woah, woah, Slow down!" Phil said, pulling your arm back down. You had chugged about three cups, one after the other, the burning sensation taking your mind off the pain you were experiencing. "It's fine Phil!" you smiled at him. "It helps take the pain away!" you laughed as he looked at you in concern along with Wilbur and Niki. "y/n, love, what's wrong?" Wilbur asked concerned. You rolled your eyes as you went to speak but ran to the bathroom, throwing up.

I'm trying hard to hate you

But I can't stop loving who I thought you were

You hadn't spoken to Wilbur for a week, he had rung you every day, sent you multiple messages and even showed up at your door but you refused to answer or let him in. You had gotten even more pictures of him and Sally together, going to parties you hadn't even been invited to. You wanted to hate him, God so much. All the pain he was putting you through but you couldn't help but love him. You loved those curls, the nicknames, the way he hugged you, the way he played you songs, how he spoke - everything about him. And yet, he didn't love you the same way. He had your heart but his belonged to someone else, and you weren't ready to let him go.

Was it ever real?

Your hands were intertwined with his under the table. The group had gone out for dinner, Phil wanting to treat everyone. You rested your head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around you and you were talking to Tubbo who was telling you all about Michael. "You would love him honestly Y/n! He's so sweet" he cheered as you grinned and nodded, agreeing to come and meet him soon. You felt Wilbur move his arm off of you and he nudged your head off his shoulder causing you to look at him in confusion. "Sally! I didn't know you worked here!" he chimed as she gave him a smile after realising who it was. "Yeah, I got a new job! Who are you with?" she asked as he chuckled at her. "I'm with friends and family." he replied as she greeted everyone, you mumbling a small hello as the rest of them looked at hm in confusion and you in pity.

You took a gulp and stared at you lap. You could see it in his eyes, the way they lit up as they spoke - the old glimmer he used to have when talking to you. It was no doubt you were losing him." Y/n!" you heard Tommy call. "Come and sit on our end of the table please!" he begged as you gave them a soft smile, knowing they were all just trying to cheer you up. Techno offered to swap seats with you, squeezing your hand and keeping it intertwined with his which earned a glare from Wilbur but soon stopped after Techno grunted at him.

Tell me, when

did you love somebody else?

"Honey-" Wilbur started as you got into the house but you cut him off. "Don't call me honey, Wilbur." you grunted, holding back the tears. "What have I done Y/n?" he huffed as you laughed and shook your head. "When did you love somebody else Wilbur?" you questioned as you sat on the sofa holding your head in your hands. He froze in his spot as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about? I love you-" he stammered as he made his way over to you, shaking. "Please don't lie to me Wilbur." you pleaded as he ran a hand through his hair - something he did when he was nervous. "I'm not lying, I care about you-" he argued.

"Did you care when you just tore my heart to shreds in someone's bed?" you questioned. He didn't respond but looked at you with sad eyes. It was the end. This was the end and there was nothing he could do to change it. "Love, it didn't mean anything" he cried as you looked at him. "I saw the way you look at Sally, you love her Wilbur." you admitted, allowing him to hold you as you collapsed, too tired to care. "It's you and I to the end, remember y/n?" he rambled. His stupid mistakes got him here and how he regretted it. "Why don't you take her and go to hell." you mumbled

This is my loving last farewell

"I can't do this anymore Wilbur." you stated as you got up and went to you shared room grabbing a few things you would need for the night, not bothered to take it all with you today. "Please, give me another chance y/n" he pleaded as you turned to him with a sad smile. "Your heart belongs to someone else Will, in another life perhaps." you sighed as you walked to the door. You looked at him one last time as he pulled you into his embrace. You caressed his cheek before planting a soft kiss.

"Goodbye Wilbur."

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